Sudoku Puzzle 89, & 88 is a Doozy
by: Dan LeKander
Hope you are enjoying your summer and you are ready for a Sudoku challenge!
As a bonus each month this year we will start with a Sudoku puzzle in progress, where it appears there are no more obvious or not-so-obvious clues. Does this puzzle #88 have any more clues? If you answered “yes” you are absolutely correct.
The other day I was thinking about this puzzle, trying to find the right word to describe this clue. Somehow the word “doozy” came to mind. So, before calling this particular clue a doozy, I figured that I better check the official meaning of the word (and how to spell it). One online reference said a doozy is “Some-thing remarkable or exceptional, either positively or negatively, when compared to other in-stances of it”. How true for this clue!
Be sure to find this clue yourself, as it will become another important tool in your Sudoku bag.
(The answer follows below after the conclusion of Puzzle #89, the feature puzzle for August)
Feature Puzzle
The “Impossible” Series continues with Puzzle #89 …