Susan W. Smith may have more articles on our old site. Click here to visit our old site.
One important Article has just been added to the March Issue of TI Life today. Please be sure to read it! It is about a problem that can aff
Twelve articles are ready for you this month. Spring is in the air and soon the snowbirds will be on their way home and Summer 2022 will be
River photographs, TIA news of water levels, Hash over History for 150th anniversary of Clayton and a tribute to Peter Murray, Tremont Island - all part of News from the Editor
Congratulations to Save the River! for a successful winter conference, to Jim McGarry, Friend of the River Award winner, and to Johnathon Pensyl, winner of the Annual Dan Tack Musky Award. Plus, wonderful winter photography.
We all need a boost in February, so we have compiled these dozen articles and several winter photographs just for you! https://thousandisla
A tribute to the 300+ authors who have shared their articles in TI Life; Boat Shows; several winter photographs and we remember Dr. David Kendall who wrote When Descendants Become Ancestors, Genealogy in 2014.
The hardest part of photography is "Making the decision to get out of bed before sunrise!" Good advice from one of the best photographers in the Thousand Islands – Larry Asam, of Grenell Island.
Meet the River Rat who is committed to bringing the history of the United States to the people through railroads . . .
Winter is here! The ice fishermen are starting to drill their winter holes and our Southern friends are picking up shells! No matter where y
First, normally the words "some wind," are shrugged off, but on the night of Saturday, December 11, 2021, our River rose over three feet - Second, we have some good news, Santa is coming to town.
Thank you Neville, writing three novels in a lifetime is an achievement but in less than three years is an accomplishment, indeed.
Directions for finding articles and authors for "Thousand Islands Life Magazine" from issues dating back to 2006.
Happy Holidays from the Thousand Islands Life Team! Although we had hoped that COVID restrictions would be over soon, we know that they’re
Santa is coming to ABay, Borders are open! Tribute to Justin Taylor and we remember the Rev. Michael Bedford-Jones.
I don't want to give anything away, since this is a mystery, but when I got to a certain place in Part 2, I literally could not put the book down.
November means Thanksgiving Season and Veterans Day in the United States and Canadians stop on November 11th for Remembrance Day. All three
It is true we own the River in October and this year the weather has been perfect! October 8-11 Canadians celebrated Thanksgiving and Americ