TI Life Happenings... New Look!

by: Susan W. Smith

Published: February, 2019

Thanks to our IT Magician, Mike Cox, we have a new look!  All good things must come to an end, they say... but in the case of TI Life... all the good things, like simple Blogging Software and Polaroid Captions ended months ago.  Since that time, we have looked for backend software that would keep the overall "beauty of TI Life" as you know it, but allows viewing on all devices.

The new system is called GHOST and this editor is happy.  Clean, fast and easy to manage - we are ready for 2019 and beyond.

A partial view of the new January 2019 Issue of the Thousand Islands Life Magazine! Thanks Mike. 

February 2019 - 14 articles

I start the month off with my letter from the editor TI Life Happenings - New Look, as well as Please support TI Life!

Then Lynn McElfresh follows with her usual great one - What Kind of Islander Are You?

Find Thousand Islands history with Linda Twichell's Early Families of Westminster Park: The J. D. Huntington Family and Mary Alice Snetsinger's - Sister Island Lighthouse - you will appreciate both of them.  

Mother nature is represented with Gerry Smith and Grassland birds: a critical conservation priority,  and Paul Hetzler suggests we go Snow Farming... and Patty Mondore give us a new trail to explore.

Memories of long ago are described by Rick Casali  on a train ride and Deane Parkhurst celebrating a 50-year-old cottage.

Regular features include: Chris Murray's Depth of Field: The Story Behind the Image “Winter Light”, Nicole Hartshorn's latest galley work with a Spinach Cobb Salad and Dan LeKander's Sudoku Puzzle #49.

And to complete this inaugural look we have Bigfoot Walks into Town, a short story by Chris Brock

Comments:  There is a new comment system - please take advantage of it and let us know what you think.

New contributor

Rick Casali is a resident of Tennis Island, on Wellesley Island.  During his youth, his parents had a cottage, from 1947 to 1965, named The Orchards on Grindstone Island.  Rick now splits his time between Stuart, Florida and the River.  He was with Columbia Gas System for 29 years, and ran their Washington, DC office. Then in 2000, he started brokering boats and yachts, and continues as a broker with North Point Yacht Sales. Rick and his wife Anne, cruise the River in a 26’ Lyman “Turtles”, and a Seaway 21 center console as well as a catboat named “Tango”.  

Sad River Loss

This month we learned of the death of Dudley E. Danielson, age 83. Dudley will be remembered for his participation in many areas of the Thousand Islands, including publishing a small newspaper in the summer, "Relax! in the 1000 Islands," and commentator on the radio show, "Joy in the Morning," which ran from 1979-1984. A photographer by choice, Dudley shared many of the landscapes with friends and the community.  Several of his Clayton photographs were assembled in a book, which he hoped would provide ideas for future planning.

When Dudley and his wife... left the River he wrote a small piece for TI Life in November 2013: " I write this piece, daring to express my feelings loudly and clear, I am several hundred miles from the RIVER.  I really miss her.  For near 30 years I worked and walked and waded into her.  I would have far rather watched a sunset on the St Lawrence than tuned into any TV show  -- breaking news or no. Three different times I lived on her banks:  a tiny cottage at Steele’s Point, a travel trailer, then an apartment in Clayton on Riverside Drive.  I built a home on the Palisades with a deck that reached out to every sunset.  I was more healthy along the River because my emotions were in check; I knew the meaning of the word:  shalom.  All because of the River."  

Assemblyman Mark Walczyk

A nice surprise when Assemblyman Mark Walczyk's YouTube video explained the meaning of the Thousand Islands Tartan and how proud he is to represent the region. Surprise - as we featured the tailor, Frank Shattuck, in our December, 2018 issue!

Winter Photos from our readers!

Coming in 2019

We are pleased to share this video...  enjoy and mark your calendar!

Yes, the CaraCo ground-breaking has taken place on the waterfront in Gananoque. Watch for progress. [photo courtesy CaraCo Kingston]

And Please Don't Forget

We encourage you to Remember our Facebook page throughout the month, as we post information and photographs, and follow us on Twitter. We promise no political content but links to other Thousand Islands happenings.

I thank those who send photographs for TI Life – they really are better than 1000 words… Always send photos to info@thousandislandslife.com.

And, this Editor is looking forward to receiving new submissions throughout the year. I bet our readers are too!

Paddle Ball in February... Why not? [Photo by J. Staples]

Special thanks to editor Bill Stallan and proofreaders this month Rick Taylor, Georgia Barker, and Dane Zabriskie. What a team!

By Susan W. Smith, Editor, info@thousandislandslife.com

[Header photograph by Glennis Newton Trainor]

Posted in:

Volume 14, Issue 2, February 2019, From the editor

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Susan W. Smith

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