News from the Editor, Yes, Santa is Coming to Town Santa is coming to ABay, Borders are open! Tribute to Justin Taylor and we remember the Rev. Michael Bedford-Jones. Susan W. Smith
10th Annual Photo Contest 2021 It’s hard to believe, but this year marks the 10th anniversary of our annual TI Life Photo Contest. Over the years, the contest has provided a wonderful opportunity for those who are passionate about photography . . . Chris Murray
The Ferries are Here! “These ferries can run 100% electric. They will not only improve operations immediately, they are also ready for the future, as they will each be one of the first of their kind in North America. Brian Johnson
All About Pumpkins! In 1900, the world record was 400 pounds. By 1990, it was up to 816 lbs, but that wouldn’t even get you in the door these days – you need a 2,000-pound entry . . . Paul Hetzler
Portolano in Prescott brings warmth to the season Portolano brings style, colour and warmth to the season. An introduction to one Portolano, A leather goods distribution company located in Prescott, ON . . . Deanna Clark
Extinction is forever . . . Extirpation* is for ? When we think of animal extinction, we may consider the recent US Fish and Wildlife Service announcement removing 27 species from the endangered species list by declaring them extinct throughout their range. Sherri Leigh Smith
The Dobbs My father obtained the boat, which we called the Dobbs, in 1945 or ‘46. The boat was a 21-foot launch-type boat, built in Morris Heights, New York City, around 1904. A quaint little boat, she was narrow, maybe 6 feet wide, with a round bottom. Manley L. Rusho
Book Review: Deep River Deception by John Lefevere I don't want to give anything away, since this is a mystery, but when I got to a certain place in Part 2, I literally could not put the book down. Susan W. Smith
Alson Skinner Clark and about "Colleen’s Confession" American Impressionist artist, muralist, and photographer, Alson Skinner Clark is most remembered for his beautiful landscapes that often sell for tens of thousands of dollars. Susan G. Mathis
TIA's Busy Year Thousand Islands Association (TIA): shoal Marking, Fishing Line Recycling Stations, Trash Free River Clean up day, and "River Talk" . . . a very busy year. Janet Smith Staples
Explore the Indian River Lakes Conservancy (IRLC) Known collectively as the Indian River Lakes system, these bodies of water have an important ecological purpose. The system serves as a watershed for the Oswegatchie River, which flows north from the Adirondack Mountains to the St. Lawrence River. . . Wayne C. Strauss
Before the Rush Art Show 2021 Come and share some Christmas joy, do some gift shopping for others, or provide a little self care and take home a gift for yourself! Martha Stroud
The Witch of Wellesley Island, Chapter 8: Edwin's Insights "Ok . . ." said Pete. "What about this this?" He handed Edwin his phone with a picture of the amulet. "Is that blood?" asked Edwin. "Yes. Well, we think so . . ." said Sarah. "It's being tested. We think . . ." "Why?" said Edwin. Patrick Metcalf