Sudoku Puzzles #110, #111, & #112

We continue with 3 puzzles each month.   There should be ample material for novices through seasoned veterans.  Enjoy!


We start with a Sudoku puzzle in progress, where it appears there are no more obvious or not-so-obvious clues.  Can you find the hidden clue in Puzzle #110?  (Not an easy clue to find!)

Puzzle #110


(The answer follows after the conclusion of Puzzle #112, the feature puzzle for June)

Logic Puzzle
Difficult rating … 5/10
(rating based on puzzles not requiring advanced techniques)

Puzzle #111 does not require advanced techniques 6-8.   Please enjoy.

Puzzle #111

Puzzle #111

Feature Puzzle, # 112

Difficult rating … 5/10
(rating based on puzzles requiring advanced techniques)
Print this puzzle and give it a go.

Puzzle #112

Dan recommends the following Steps to complete the puzzle.

Step 1:  Sudoku Pairs, Triplets and Quads – See September 2015
Step 2:  Turbos & Interaction – See October 2015
Step 3:  Sudoku Gordonian Rectangles and Polygons – See November 2015
Step 4:  XY-Wings & XYZ Wings – See December 2015
Step 5:  X-Wings – See January 2016

Step 8:  AN EXPANSION OF STEP 7Steps  1-5 are relatively common techniques and are explained in the TI LIFE articles above. Steps 6-8 are covered in detail, in Dan’s book.


Prior to utilizing Steps 1-8, complete the 5 Steps of Puzzle Preparation …


We observe the following clues ... C4R1=1, C9R4=2, C7R4 & C7R5 have options 5 & 8, C7R6, C8R6 & C9R6 have options 1, 4 & 7, C1R6=3, C5R6=9, C2R6=6, C3R1=6, and C4R7 & C9R7 have options 6 & 9.  We also see that C6R1, C6R2, C6R3 & C6R5 can only have options 2, 4, 7 & 9, and therefore, C6R4, C6R8 & C6R9 can only have options 3, 5 & 6.

In box 2 an 8 can only exist as an option in C4R2 & C5R2; therefore, an 8 cannot exist as an op-tion in in C1R2, C2R2, C8R2 & C9R2.

In box 7 a 1 can only exist as an option in C2R8 or C2R9; therefore, a 1 cannot exist as an op-tion in C2R4 & C2R5.

In box 8 a 9 can only exist as an option in C4R7 & C4R8; therefore, a 9 cannot exist as an option in C4R2.

Now your grid looks like Example #112.1 Below:

Example #112.1

This completes Puzzle Preparation Steps 1-4, so we will fill in the options for all unsolved cells.  Now your grid should look like Example #112.2 below:

Example #112.2

There are no Step 6 viable exercises.

We will now proceed to Step 7, Dan’s Close Relationship Challenge.   We will pick C6R9 as our starter cell, with a sequence of 5,6.   We will annotate this on the 2nd level of this cell, as per Example #112.3 below.

Example #112.3

We begin by asking ourselves that if this starter cell is a 5, what adjacent cells could not be a 5, annotating those cells as “N5”, again on the 2nd level of those cells.   This just simply means that if the starter cell is a 5, then those cells cannot be a 5.

Next, we assume the starter cell is a 6 and track the results through the puzzle.   If any N5 cell is a number other than 5, it means that cell is not a 5 regardless if the starter cell is a 5 or 6, and the 5 could be eliminated as an option from that cell.
Before we perform this exercise, we will list the potential outcomes . . .

• The tracking of the second number of the starter cell doesn’t reach the N9 cells, and therefore, the exercise is unsuccessful.

• The tracking of the second number goes entirely through the puzzle without a conflict, indicating that the 2nd number is correct for the starter cell and you have solved the puzzle.

• The tracking of the second number creates a conflict, such as a number showing up twice in a row, column or box.   Or it could show up by having no cell for a particular number in a row, column or box.  Regardless of how the conflict arises, it would mean the second number is incorrect for that cell, and therefore, the answer to the starter cell is the first number.

We will now track the 6 through the puzzle above on the third level of the unsolved cells to preserve the integrity of the original puzzle.    As you can see from the example above, in tracking the 6 through the puzzle, there is not an unsolved cell in row 8 that can be a 9.   This is a conflict!   If C6R9 cannot be a 6, then it must be a 5.  C6R9=5.

The puzzle is easily solved from this point and the solution is Example #112.4 below:

Example #112.4

May the gentle winds of Sudoku be at your back.

Dan LeKander

Clue for Puzzle #110 …  did you find the clue?  If not, read on. In column 9, C9R1, C9R2, C9R3 & C9R6 cannot be a 2, 6 or 7.   The 3 remaining unsolved cells in column 9, C9R5, C9R7 & C9R8, must have options 2, 6 & 7.  Since there is already a 2 & 6 in row 8, C9R8=7.   This is a fun puzzle to finish.

Editor's Note:  May 2022 - into the 100s

OK. TI Life GANG, here are Puzzles #101, #111, and #112.  

"When we published the final article in Dan's Series of steps to learn the logic of Sudoku, I never in a zillion years thought that Dan would so graciously offer to do one or two puzzles for us each month - and he has done so without my asking. Now we are up to 3!

Then his wife, Peggy, does the proof reading and I only have to post in on TI Life. We would love to know how many you have solved.  (Some, darn it, have stumped me, but I look forward to them each month.)

Last month (May, 2022) someone wrote to ask how to fill them out online. Unfortunately, you need to print them yourself - but that is easy to do and I know you will have just as much fun.

And, if you have not already done so, I suggest you purchase Dan’s book: “3 Advanced Sudoku Techniques, That Will Change Your Game Forever!” Purchase of a book includes a 50-page blank grid pad, 33 black and two green tokens. The book is available online at

Be sure to read the TI Life's review of Dan's book by Jesse Kahn published in Jun 2015.

Here are links to all past Sudoku Puzzle Challenge beginning: February 2016, March 2016, April 2016, May 2016, June 2016, July 2016, August 2016, September 2016, October 2016, November 2016, December 2016, January 2017, February 2017, March 2017, April 2017, May 2017, June 2017, July 2017, August 2017, September 2017, October 2017, November 2017, December 2017, January 2018, February 2018, March 2018, April 2018, May 2018, June 2018, July 2018, August 2018, September 2018, October 2018, November 2018, December 2018, January 2019, February 2019, March 2019, April 2019, May 2019, June 2019, July 2019, August 2019, September 2019, October 2019, November 2019, December 2019, January 2020, February 2020, April 2020, May 2020,  June 2020 and July 2020, August 2020,  September 2020, October 2020, November 2020 and December 2020, January 2021, February 2021, March 2021, April 2021, May 2021, June 2021, July 2021 , August 2021, September 2021 ,  October 2021, November 2021, December 2021, January 2022, February 2022, March 2022, April 2022 and May 2022.