Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020

Stay well... come out on the River when we get the "all clear." We have 15 articles this month. [© Photo Ian Coristine/1000IslandsPhotoArt.com]

TI Life News, April 2020

Special tribute to the late Martin Zonnenberg, closed borders, as well as other news.

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Susan W. Smith

Ghost Island Affair

Authorities were hunting for a Syracuse man, Dean Hethington, a steel executive of Globe Forge and Foundries, Inc., who had been missing for nearly three weeks.

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Lynn E. McElfresh

Got Gas?

Some foods give you gas, but this is the time of year when gas gives you a really delicious food. Maple syru

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Paul Hetzler

Small-Scale Items and Curiosities

Here from my island home in the Admiralty Group, are a few of the small-scale items and curiosities, that are easy to overlook,

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Winifred McGowan

The Sea Keeper - CSL St. Laurent

Since that day, and my first encounter with the CSL St-Laurent's mural-in-motion, I have learned several interesting details behind the creation of “The Sea Keeper” mural.

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Patty Mondore

The Founding of Westminster Park

A day at Westminster Park will convince any that it is the most desirable summer resort on the River.

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Linda Twichell

Death in the Family by Tessa Wegert

Murder,” I repeated, the word clumsy on my tongue. The last time I spoke it, I was in another world.

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Susan W. Smith

Centennial of a St. Lawrence Icon

Robert McEwen began his career as a county lawyer. He went on to represent the North County in the NY State Senate and the US House of Representatives for nearly all his adult life.

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Cary R. Brick

Shipwrecks Wash Ashore on Lake Ontario’s Mexico Bay

Remains of two ships believed to be the schooners Ariadne and Hartford, wrecked in Mexico Bay during

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Richard Palmer

COVID Hell or High Water?, Canadian Property Tax Discussion

...Paying less tax because the cottage or business has been damaged or made unsaleable by flooding is a small consolation.

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Peter VanSickle

COVID-19 & High Water - US Property Tax Discussion - April 2020

What are the ramifications for challenging your US property taxes during the peak of the pandemic and high water?

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Mike Franklin

To My Friend, Will Salisbury

To a Friend... A black MG unwinds the twisted sweeps of island road.

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Donald E. Spurrell

The River Whispers

Editor's Note: Lori Jo Hill comes from Clayton and grew up enjoying everything that River life offers.  She currently lives in the Pocon

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Lori Jo Hill

Supporting Those We Appreciate

All non-profits need our financial and moral support so when the time comes and you can see that light at the end of the tunnel, please contact your friends here, those who work so hard to make our communities special.

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Susan W. Smith

Sudoku Puzzle 64

A few readers requested the “impossible series” continue. Give this one a go and elevate your game to the highest level!

Volume 15, Issue 4, April 2020
Dan LeKander