January Issue starts the year off right! 12 articles with history, photographs and memories... [Summer photograph by Ian Coristine]
Amazing water level photographs, Dan Tack tribute and beautiful winter photographs!, Yes, Volume 15 - means 15 years of TI Life....
It was always my dream to take a piece of the river home with me in the fall to help me savor my island world until I could return in the spring. Last fall, I did just that.
Sometimes it feels as though Old Man Winter has a temperature-oscillation App which he turns on before disappearing for a week or two..
TIWLT has done a lot for this area, and is about to do more with the launch of their latest initiative: The Thousand Acre Challenge.
It was at the intermission, when I went out on the Playhouse deck, that I discovered considerable fog on the River. I could not see our lighthouse...
Transport yourself to the serenity of the River. Close your eyes. What do you hear? An eerie but beautiful sound. A Common Loon. Each year dozens of volunteers take part in the Annual Loon Count on the St. Lawrence River.
What follows is a small world experience. The story spans generations, several of the Thousand Islands, a continent, and coincidences that defy the odds...
I am drawn to simplicity in a photograph, and the use of negative space is a great way to accomplish that.
It has finally arrived…..the shortest day of the year, the first day of winter. “There are two seasons, boating season and waiting for boating season”.
It was the magazine’s “Fort Lauderdale Boat Show Special” issue with pricey advertisements and stories about multi-multi-multimillion-dollar yachts...
I wrote this poem for my son Lee, who is now 8. He loves the River! It's simple, but I think anyone who loves the Thousand Islands readily identifies with it....
Dan LeKander's Puzzle # 62...Please Note, Dan would like gifting books in bulk to teachers to use in their classrooms. Additionally, to senior centers and assisted living homes.