Thousand Islands Life is now online, 01/2022
Winter is here! The ice fishermen are starting to drill their winter holes and our Southern friends are picking up shells! No matter where you are, we hope that you and your family are safe and well.
This month we have a dozen articles that I am sure will interest you. Be sure to leave your comments or email me with questions or suggestions. As always, thanks for putting a thousand islands in your life!
Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2022 is now online.

[Photo by Bruce Parker, January 11, 2022. "Another frosty morning on the River."]
News From the Editor – by Susan W. Smith
A tribute to the 300+ authors who have shared their articles in TI Life.; news of boat shows; several winter photographs and we remember Dr. David Kendall who wrote When Descendants Become Ancestors, Genealogy, in 2014.
The Grindstone Island Skating Trip – By Manley Rusho
Manley Rusho is home from Korea and spends the day on newly formed ice, skating around Grindstone Island. From Rusho Bay past Ken Deedy's house, around Point Angiers and more.
Winona Circle Quilt Returns to Gananoque – By Paul Scott
The story of Gananoque’s Grace United Church's WWII quilt, a Queen's Masters Student, and a British Podcaster . . . Put them all together and you have an amazing Small World Story.
The Mutants Have Landed – By Paul Hetzler
The marmorkreb, a.k.a. marbled crayfish, is a destructive new species that first appeared in aquariums in Germany . . . They are here now, and your help scouting for them is both invaluable and essential.

[Glennis Newton Trainor shares one of her special Snowy Owl friends.]
Snowy Owls are back again! - By Gerry Smith
An active bird watcher in the North County reasonably expects to see several Snowies each winter – why? It involves climate change.
Meet Larry Asam, Photographer – By Susan W. Smith
The hardest part of photography is "Making the decision to get out of bed before sunrise!" Good advice from one of the best photographers in the Thousand Islands – Larry Asam, of Grenell Island.
Meet Ross Rowland, Train Engineer par excellence – By Susan W. Smith
Meet the River Rat who is committed to bringing the history of the United States to the people through railroads and the American Freedom Train Foundation.

[James R. Miller exclaims: "This is the kind of winter day that the swans like to huddle on the ice . . . trying to keep warm!"]
Withington's 2021 Safety Review – by Richard L. Withington, MD,
“This may have been the least active year that I can remember. Fortunately, our incidents were few in number, and relatively mild in their impact,” says Dick Withington.
Conserving Island Number Nine – By Brandon Hollis
Local property owners understand the importance of conserving Island Number Nine and the impact that the Island has on the ecological and fiscal health of the area.
Sudoku Puzzles #98 & #99 – Yes, #99! – by Dan LeKander
Here we are in the middle of January and the first month of a brand-new year. Dan LeKander says, “May all your Sudoku wishes come true.” [Note 100 next!]

[Brianna Rowlee's photograph, taken at Kring Point State Park, gets the last word. What do you think this magnificent animal is trying to tell us?]
Steamboat "Lady of the Lake" Sailed Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River – By Richard Palmer
One of the most popular steamboats on Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River in the 19th century was Lady of the Lake, of the Ontario & St. Lawrence Steamboat Company.
US Winter Boat Show No-Go? So, Try These Alternatives – By Kara Lynn Dunn
With the NY State Boat Show cancelled, try these four alternatives!
Safe travels, and even though it is only mid-January, it’s not too soon to be thinking spring!
Susan W. Smith, Editor and the TI Life Team:
Elspeth Naismith, Jennifer Caddick, Beth Lavos, Lyne Roberge, Georgia Barker, Rick Taylor, Dane Zabriski, Marie-Anne Erki, and Mike Cox.