TI Life News for May '19

by: Susan W. Smith

Published: May, 2019

High Water are two words we only want to hear in late September, when it is not high enough and boats come out of the water! But this is not September, and the month of June is not here, yet. In "High Water Updates", we provide a number of links to communications, regarding the high water on the St. Lawrence, as well as ways to be prepared. Suffice to say stay safe!

[Cover photo by J. Staples]

Dennis McCarthy captures the water levels for Spring

Cape Vincent on a calm May 2019 day. [Photo by Dennis McCarthy ©2019]

Want to help TI Life?  Volunteers needed!

As summer 2019 is fast approaching, we would like some help with posting EVENTS on TI Life, as well as updating "Old Pages".

Communities:  There are 22 communities in the region (maybe more) and each has a page, originally on the old site. We need a volunteer for each one, to check old links, as well as update information and photographs.  No programming is necessary, and we can easily explain what is required.

Events: One or two volunteers could keep our Events Page relevant. Not difficult, but to be useful - we must be up to date!

If you have some time and would like to help, please email info@thousandislandslife.com

US National Safe Boating Week, May 18-24; Canadian Red Cross-National Life Jacket Day, May 15

Lakeland Boating - an important periodical for your Island coffee table - announces this special week in their May issue and the Canadian Red Cross announces May 15th as  Wear Your Lifejacket to Work Day. A great way to remind everyone how important these safety devices are to all boaters, young and not so young!

Potentially Fatal Tapeworm

Doug McLellan sent us news of a potentially fatal tapeworm spread by foxes, and coyotes discovered in Ontario. Doug found two articles, one by CBC in Canada and the other by the US Center for Disease Control (CDC). He writes, "Not sure what anyone can do, but better to be fore- warned. Pass on to others if you think this is more than just another scare tactic in the news."  Doug and his wife Caroline have a dog named Calli and they suggest:

"Calli is worried and doing research..."

Sad News

Thousand Islands Land Trust board members and the Thousand Islands community are saddened to hear of the death of Nancy Breslin, one of the early trustees, who helped to shape this important North Country conservation organization.  I served as a trustee with Nancy and benefitted firsthand - her charm, intellect and the ability to make everyone feel at home in her company. Nancy was 99, at the time of her passing, living in Watertown and her beloved Wellesley Island home. In lieu of flowers, donations in Nancy's name may be made to either the Thousand Islands Land Trust or the Thousand Islands Performing Arts Fund.

This Issue

Important News

TI Life News for May '19, TI Life needs volunteers... High water photographs... Nancy Breslin and more, by Susan W. Smith, Editor

High Water Updates,  The River is high this spring. The burning question on everyone's mind is how h..., by Melissa Barton, Richard Withington & Susan Smith

Gananoque Boat Line Acquired by Entertainment Cruises, Chicago-based Entertainment Cruises acquired the Gananoque Boat Line...., by Tom King


The Cliff House Mystery, From the very beginning, Cliff House was a mystery. The Cliff House became a cur..., by Lynn E. McElfresh


Unexpected Journey, "Today my life is so different, and I love every minute of every day and I am ..., by Janet Guerrero D'Alessandro

Maggie Wheeler, the Seaway Valley Queen of Crime, "Being good at planning murders is not what you dream of becoming one day as a c..., by Brian Johnson

Kathleen Murphy, and the Gardens of Singer Castle, An interview with Kathleen Murphy, who is responsible for the beautiful rose gar..., by Patty Mondore

Augustus Hinckley - Lake Ontario Mariner Part III, Despite the cloud of bad luck that followed him much of his life, he never gave..., by Richard Palmer

Nature, Photography, Food & Soduko!

Don’t Annoy Those Messy Swallows-They Are Hurting, Our region is home to six species of swallows ... All catch insects on the wing ..., by Gerry Smith

Depth of Field: The Story Behind the Image: “Granite Reflection”, Ever since childhood, I have been drawn to the rocks of the Thousand Islands, by Chris Murray

The River Gal Invades the Clayton Boat Show! I figured that a pirate related recipe from my book would be fitting for this is... by Nicole Hartshorn

Sudoku Puzzle #52 & #53,by Dan LeKander, May is bonus month! Following Puzzle #52 below is a bonus puzzle #53 for you to..., by Dan LeKander

James R. Miller captures the Victory I making her way up the St. Lawrence, about to go under the Thousand Islands Bridge. [FB 1000 islands River Rats Then and Now.]

And Don't Forget!

We encourage you to Remember our Facebook page throughout the month, as we post information and photographs, and follow us on Twitter. We promise no political content, but links to other Thousand Islands happenings.

I thank those who send photographs for TI Life; always send high resolution photos to info@thousandislandslife.com.

And, this Editor is looking forward to receiving new submissions throughout the year. I bet our readers are too!

Special thanks to editor Bill Stallan and proofreaders this month Rick Taylor, Georgia Barker, and Dane Zabriskie. What a team!

By Susan W. Smith, Editor, info@thousandislandslife.com

Posted in:

Volume 14, Issue 5, May 2019, From the editor

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Susan W. Smith

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