The Fawn that Came in out of the Rain The fawn arrived exhausted on shaky legs on the shore of Grenell Island in the St. Lawrence River. Our daughter named him Pete. Lynn E. McElfresh
Simply Great The great blue heron (Ardea herodias), the largest North American heron, is definitely great, Paul Hetzler
Wooden Bridge The memory of the Rideau Canal in 1971... brings me to 2020 and wanting to know if it is open? Dan Mack
Shady Business One of the perks of having trees nearby is that social-distancing rules don’t apply – you can hug as many as you like without risk of contracting Covid-19. Paul Hetzler
Adjusting to River Time As it all slows down, I start to measure time in sunrises and sunsets, in breakfasts and lunches and dinners... Patrick Metcalf
A Stink of Mink A group of minks saw this opening as an invitation: “Welcome! Spend your winter here.” Lynn E. McElfresh
Fields of Hope, in the Thousand Islands Fields of Hope is a photography farm project which turned into a book. It is a collection of images that celebrate farmers in the Thousand Islands Andrée Thorpe
A Walk in the Parks When I think “park”, I think slides, swings, and merry-go-rounds. My husband, on the other hand, might think Fenway or Candlestick. But in the late nineteenth century, a "park” was a resort Lynn E. McElfresh
Ticked Off Mosquitoes suck and black flies bite. However, just one bite from a deer (black-legged) tick can put you out of commission for the whole season... Paul Hetzler
Got Gas? Some foods give you gas, but this is the time of year when gas gives you a really delicious food. Maple syru Paul Hetzler
Small-Scale Items and Curiosities Here from my island home in the Admiralty Group, are a few of the small-scale items and curiosities, that are easy to overlook, Winifred McGowan
January 2020 - A New Year Amazing water level photographs, Dan Tack tribute and beautiful winter photographs!, Yes, Volume 15 - means 15 years of TI Life.... Susan W. Smith
Island Terrarium It was always my dream to take a piece of the river home with me in the fall to help me savor my island world until I could return in the spring. Last fall, I did just that. Lynn E. McElfresh