Blind Bay and CBP's Proposal

by: Larry Asam

Published: August, 2023

Even to the casual observer, Blind Bay is an environmentally sensitive area. It is extremely disturbing that US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) appears solely focused on establishing a large facility specifically in this fragile area, particularly when there are multiple other viable options available. Something seems out of balance when one government agency can override all other agencies and regulations. While these regulations may seem restrictive at times, the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River are clearly much healthier because of them.

The photographs taken this year underscore the importance of this habitat that includes fish, waterfowl, and other birds. By the end of June, the bay has substantial aquatic vegetation that makes boating difficult. The CBP project would require extreme alterations to the bay, including dredging, to make the area accessible throughout the boating season. Blind Bay currently supports a diverse ecosystem and there are no compelling reasons for destroying it when other, reasonable, and more  operationally viable options are available.

Cornell's Merlin App

Using Cornell’s Merlin App, a tremendous number of birds can be recorded in Blind Bay.

After nine short recordings the following birds were identified: Red Wing Black Bird, American Crow, Red-Eyed Vireo, Common Yellow Throat, Northern Flicker, American Robin, Common Grackle, Song Sparrow, European Starling, Mourning Dove, Marsh Wren, Yellow Warbler, Blue Jay, Chipping Sparrow, Brown-Headed Cow Bird, Swamp Sparrow, Cedar Waxwing, Mallard, Northern Cardinal, American Goldfinch, Eastern Meadowlark, Tree Swallow, Wood Duck, and Mute Swan

Saving Blind Bay

TILT (Thousand Island Land Trust) and Save the River along with many others have been diligently working to resolve this problem; please support their efforts. Write to your Representative, your Congressman/woman, your MP, and MPP. This is an international issue – the birds, fish, and other wildlife don’t hold passports!

Sign the Petition today!

By Larry Asam

It was winter 2022 that TI Life readers first met Larry Asam, from Grenell Island. His photographs have been published several times in the past, but the article gave us a opportunity to meet the professional photographer and see just a "tip of his work." Then in June 2023, Larry gave us a lesson on "Photographing Loons" This editor is appreciative and finger crossed he keep exploring the River and shares his amazing work with us.

Header photograph by Larry Asam, ©2023

Posted in:

'Volume 18, Issue 8, August 2023, Essay, Places, Nature

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