Ok, so it is cold outside, and/or it is “another sunny day” in Florida… What to do? You should be concentrating on work, or out holiday shopping, but the stores are too crowded, and besides, you need inspiration…
I have the best suggestion ever. Visit an art gallery right in front of your screen! Even see the artists other works… Yes, you don’t have to go out on a day like this. You can hit www.northcountryartists.com, and sculptor, and artist Will Salisbury will take you on a private tour of his favorite studios.
It is a brand-new site created by Will Salisbury, to pay tribute to other River artists. (And this Editor sends a very big THANKS.)
Artists of our North Country’s Past and the 1000 Islands region. Their influence was a gift to us all. This list dates back 223 + years.

Editor: Why did you undertake this tremendous task?
Salisbury: I don’t remember exactly when or why I came to think that building this Site was a necessary and important thing to do. I was researching for general info, on galleries and a particular artist who had influenced me and wasn’t getting what I wanted. So, there it is, I built a web site about deceased artists, living artists, and galleries, to fill the void with a resource about the Tri-County area and including our neighbors to the real North Country. We as artists have been influenced by many long- passed artists that we knew and that affected our artistic direction and momentum.
Editor: Do you want others to give you more artists? (Our readers may have some favorites)
Salisbury: YES. So far, it is a non-denominational, arbitrary in nature – a selection of people and places in our north country. I hope that everyone will help me out by finding names of those who wish to be represented and supply me with Bio’s, Photos and Web links.
Also, to get the site out there I will need my link to www.northcountryartists.com to be shared and included on artists and gallery websites. The list is incomplete and growing every day and may take a year to complete. There are no fees for these listings!
When the information seems to be complete, I wish to produce a coffee table book (with the help of friends) about past artists who have been the foundation of our artistic community for the last 150 years. The book would list those artists; it would have quality photos, stories and a list of current living artists, galleries and contact information on the last pages.
(Note: these lists change weekly as Will Salisbury is given, or finds new sources. Just like going shopping… come back to see new listings!)

Can you help? Contact information: my3crows@hughes.net
Susan W. Smith, Editor, susansmith@thousandislandslife.com
Editor’s Note:

TI Life profiled him in January 2014: Will Salisbury Making Waves
See Will Salisbury’s studio web page too, for a wealth of artistic information. http://willsalisbury.com/sculptor/index.php/3-crows/
Comment by: Al Hewitt
Left at: 8:11 AM Saturday, January 12, 2019
Will is truly a treasure of the 1000 Islands. He is an integral part of the magic of the St. Lawrence Lawrence River. There is no one that I know that has not been moved by his artistry.
Posted in: Volume 13, Issue 12, December 2018, archive
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