TI Life in March 2019

by: Susan W. Smith

Published: March, 2019

Days are getting longer, school breaks come and go, clocks move forward... sure signs this winter will end; I promise! But it is a good time to enjoy our new TI Life.

The March 2019 Issue

Start off with Paul Hetzler's suggestion about Global Warming, with A Well-Rounded Perspective and meet Greg Pepe, in a Guinness Book of Records Try...

Like history?  See Lynn McElfresh's Island of Strong Women (I think most of us have strong women in our past too), Linda Twichell's family history in Early Families of Westminster Park... The Twichell's, Martha Grimes' presents her Sport and Spectacle - Speedboat Racing on the St. Lawrence - interesting yesterday and today.  And the first of three articles with, An Augustus Hinckley Story,

There is good news in Cole Shoal Lighthouse the Irony and the Rebuild by Mike Milne. and John Peach introduces Elaine Tack's special video in "It's Hard to be a Tern"

Also, The Marina - Rita - yes your favorite, Tequila and marina life by Nicole Hartshorn, Sudoku Puzzle #50 by Dan LeKander (Yes, 50 - how many have you completed?), and Chris Murray provides a new photography lesson in Depth of Field: The Story Behind the Image "Pine Needles on Snow”

and Marilyn Neulieb gives us a memory poem in Tennessee Street, illustrated by Karen Millspaugh, and John Lefevere shares River Rogues, Chapter 1, which was published this month and available on Amazon as a Kindle book.

Good news for bedtime stories...

We are eager to announce Scott Ouderkirk's new project is launched.

Scott writes, "This has been a long time coming and I'm so excited!! Follow the link to see the teaser, for the animated audio book version of The Wind in the Islands. Performed by my daughter Meredith Ouderkirk, with animated drawings by me. Starting next Friday, March 16, 2019, with chapter one, we will be releasing a chapter every two weeks, until all sixteen chapters are on YouTube. Please like, share and subscribe so you catch each chapter."

Drawings by Scott Ouderkirk with voice over by Meredith Ouderkirk.

And Please Don't Forget

Support!  Support! and Support!, please? Obviously, this new TI Life Look requires funds. We also constantly incur costs for hosting, email distribution, software and more. Now, support is needed.  I hope you will join me in giving the equivalent of a

• Can of bait, $5-$10
• A night at a marina or a $25-$50
• Tank of gas... $100+

If you’re willing to help support TI Life (any contribution is appreciated):

Please go here…   And The why)

We encourage you to Remember our Facebook page throughout the month, as we post information and photographs, and follow us on Twitter. We promise no political content, but links to other Thousand Islands happenings.

I thank those who send photographs for TI Life – they really are better than 1000 words… Always send high resolution photos to info@thousandislandslife.com.

And, this Editor is looking forward to receiving new submissions throughout the year. I bet our readers are too!

Special thanks to editor Bill Stallan and proofreaders this month Rick Taylor, Georgia Barker, and Dane Zabriskie. What a team!

By Susan W. Smith, Editor, info@thousandislandslife.com

Header photograph by Doug Tulloch and taken in winter 2016. These Alexandria Bay boat houses always make a perfect picture!

Posted in:

Volume 14, Issue 3, March 2019, From the editor, Photography

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Susan W. Smith

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