Volume 15, Ian's Issue, March 2020

Eight articles this month paying tribute to Ian Coristine who "raised the bar!" to bring recognition to the Thousand Islands

Ian's Issue

Ian Coristine taught us that just liking our little part of the Thousand Islands is not enough... we have to work together to Raise the Bar!

Volume 15, Ian's Issue, March 2020
Susan W. Smith

Choosing Ian Coristine

"This guy is crazy! He refuses to only sell the rights to five photos. He says you will need fifty or more photos and he is refusing to take any payment. ...

Volume 15, Ian's Issue, March 2020
Simon Fuller

The River Chose Ian

The River chose Ian. And he chose to generously share it with others...

Volume 15, Ian's Issue, March 2020
Kim Lunman Grout

In Celebration of Ian Coristine

It troubled Ian that his memoir concludes before he reconnected with Lyne Roberge, who’d published three of his books and eventually became his wife...

Volume 15, Ian's Issue, March 2020
Donna Walsh Inglehart

Raising the Bar with Ian Coristine

It seems like a lifetime ago, and I suppose it was. I started working for Ed Huck Marine in 1990, one year after their centennial celebration.

Volume 15, Ian's Issue, March 2020
Mike Cox

Le Studio de Séguret, Petit Gîte de Charme

My wife Kristen and I first met Ian and his wife Lyne in April of 2019. We had inquired about renting their home in the Provence region in the south of France and they invited us to come

Volume 15, Ian's Issue, March 2020
Bradley Kranz

Ian's Wallpaper Images, Raising the Bar!

Ian Coristine brought the River to us no matter where we were from the close of the cottage until we returned - he provided a magical link with a computer Wallpaper Image on the first of the month. It was back in 2004 that it all began.

Volume 15, Ian's Issue, March 2020
Linda Twichell

Remember Paul Malo: "Mr. Thousand Islands."

When Kim Lunman and I first met Ian Coristine, we were struck by Ian's appreciation of Paul Malo's talents the first of many times that our friend Ian showed his ability to be a connector.

Volume 15, Ian's Issue, March 2020
Kim Lunman Grout