
Biotechnology News: Synthetic Milk of Human Kindness Soon to Become a Reality

. . . Perhaps the most controversial product on Cell Signals’ patent is synthetic Milk of Human Kindness.

Volume 18, Issue 4, April 2023
Paul Hetzler

Seasonal Transition

St. Patrick’s Day, and I’m kayaking toward my island cottage after wintering out-of-state. The sheltered bay I normally use this time of year is still half-covered with thick ice . . .

Volume 18, Issue 4, April 2023
Glenn Sandiford

Alternative Personalities

It began one bright, blue, late summer morning in 2017, a year with a highwater level that was receding as fall approached. At breakfast, we noticed a ring-billed gull perched on a newly reappearing rock . . .

Volume 18, Issue 3, March 2023
Raymond S. Pfeiffer

Sunshine, Coffee and Shoelaces: Keys to Immortality

While telomeres all shrink over time, things like air pollution, chronic stress, obesity, and using alcohol and tobacco are known to hasten the process . . . surprisingly, coffee is good for telomere health as well.

Volume 18, Issue 2, February 2023
Paul Hetzler

Why Patty Doesn’t Fish from her Kayak

. . . But as I got closer, I saw it move. The “thing” suddenly and intentionally dipped below the surface. It was alive!

Volume 18, Issue 2, February 2023
Patty Mondore

Christmas Blizzard 0f 2022

The winds howled all night. and howling winds meant Lake Ontario came barreling down the River. The water came up an estimated two to two and a half feet, and the water spray traveled many feet/meters inland . . .

Volume 18, Issue 1, January 2023
Susan W. Smith

Third Season Takes Aim at Aquatic Invasive Species and Promotes Water Quality in the A2A

Twelve stewards were hired and trained to cover over 30 boat and car-top launches across four counties, where they worked to teach the public . . .

Volume 18, Issue 1, January 2023
Shannon Walter

High Reindeer

If not for a fungus, Santa’s flying sleigh would be grounded. If that were the case, the only toys he could distribute would be to the elves who made them in the first place . . .

Volume 17, Issue 12, December 2022
Paul Hetzler

Winter Duck Hunt on Grindstone Island

It was two days before Christmas in the early 1950’s. I was up at 4 am, dressed and out of the cellar door with my flashlight in hand. I headed to the boat house . . .

Volume 17, Issue 12, December 2022
Manley L. Rusho

A Mangy Fox

In the spring, six cubs were born on a hill below our house, and we were secretly watching them grow . . .

Volume 17, Issue 12, December 2022
Danuta (Dee) Sedkowski

Beyond Animals

The idea that one could plant a garden of tree-pod birds and vine-lambs, maybe even a cabbage-patch kid, seemed rational to men who fancied themselves the smartest people in the world.

Volume 17, Issue 11, November 2022
Paul Hetzler

The Giving Tree

. . . Although elms are still present in our forests, Dutch elm disease, which has the appropriate acronym “DED,” now kills them before they can reach maturity.

Volume 17, Issue 10, October 2022
Paul Hetzler

The River Gal’s Galley - with tomatoes

Beefsteak, early girls, cherry, yup it’s prime picking when it comes to tomatoes from this River gal’s garden!. . . .

Volume 17, Issue 10, October 2022
Nicole Hartshorn

Secret Language of Mushrooms

It’s old news that fungi transfer information chemically under the ground. This new discovery suggests that as fungi decompose wood, they might also be composing sonnets, love-poems, or grocery lists . . .

Volume 17, Issue 9, September 2022
Paul Hetzler

The 2022 Kenneth Deedy Environmental Steward Shares Her Journey

When I received the call from TILT that I was invited to be this year’s Kenneth Deedy, Environmental Steward, I was beyond excited! As the Deedy Steward I would spend time at three different nonprofits, . . .

Volume 17, Issue 9, September 2022
Sara Lantier

1940’s Summer Haying

Starting in late June and usually the entire month of July, daylight was consumed with the hay harvest on the farm. The fields that had been set aside for growing hay were cut and the hay was placed on wagons and hauled into the barn.

Volume 17, Issue 8, August 2022
Manley L. Rusho

Daycare Forests

Research on the health benefits of being in a forest environment is so compelling that urban daycares in Finland “built” forests for kids to use.

Volume 17, Issue 8, August 2022
Paul Hetzler

Guilty As Charged!

Crossing the northern border is no laughing matter. Some time ago, I had an experience that has really stayed with me . . .

Volume 17, Issue 8, August 2022
Michael Laprade