What Kind of Islander Are You? A description of living in the Thousand Islands for only one week, or as an almost-permanent islander... What kind of Islander are you? Lynn E. McElfresh
Party Like It’s 1899! Description of parties as far back as 1899 on Grenell Island in the Thousand Islands. Dances (Hops) were even more popular then! Lynn E. McElfresh
The Sheriff of Grenell Even fifty years ago, the need for a sheriff seemed laughable. In her July 1965 Thousand Islands Sun column, Grenell Island correspondent... Lynn E. McElfresh
The River at Night The River teaches us lessons and I learned mine one night while ki-YAKKING - thankfully without catastrophie Lynn E. McElfresh
The Annual Sometime in August — just as the summer season is coming to a close — five River women set aside a day just for themselves alone on the River. Lynn E. McElfresh
Friendship Islands Island life can be, well…insular. So, when Billie Jo of Murray Isle proposed an annual event that would allow area islanders to get together and meet each other, I immediately agreed. The event—The Friendship Cup Lynn E. McElfresh
Wish They All Could Be Summer Girls In the 1960s, the Beach Boys were crooning about California Girls. But in the late 19th century, a young man’s thoughts of summer romance was focused on the Summer Girl. Lynn E. McElfresh
The Glorious Fourth of Yesteryear Independence Day, or the Glorious Fourth, was a hugely celebrated affair back in the Gilded Age. Congress didn’t d... Lynn E. McElfresh
Let it Rain! When was the last time you saw a rainy day postcard? Sure, we all like the postcard view of the world. The one where the... Lynn E. McElfresh