Wooden Boat Experience, Videos by Scott Ouderkirk
by: Scott Ouderkirk
In March 2019, we announced the launch of St. Lawrence County artist, Scott Ouderkirk's new project: an animated audio book version of The Wind in the Islands... Performed by Scott's daughter, Meredith, and featuring Scott's animated drawings, perfect bedtime reading for young and old River Rats...As Scott added more chapters, we added them to his article.
However, this month we discovered Scott has also produced a 5-part series of videos on "The Wooden Boat." Each is unique in its own way, with an interesting story and video footage.
All this editor can say is, we are pleased to add these to TI Life for readers to enjoy!
Part 1
An introduction to The Wooden Boat Experience!
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
By Scott Ouderkirk, GLASSGOAT!
GlassGoat Studio: 291 River Rod. 13648 Hammond, NY.
Be sure to stay tuned to the Scott Ouderkirk Studios Facebook Page.
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