Wayback Wednesdays…
by: Julie Woods
My name is Julie Woods and I have been a summer student employed by The Arthur Child Heritage Museum (ACHM) in Gananoque for two years. This summer, our executive director, Joanne van Dreumel, asked if I would be interested in running the museum’s social media. I was more than happy to take on the new challenge and have enjoyed it so much that I am now volunteering to keep the pages running while attending college.
As part of coordinating the ACHM social media, I have had the privilege of continuing weekly “Wayback Wednesday” features in which I have gathered photos that tie Gananoque’s past and present together. Linking the yesterday and today is important, because it gives generations like mine the chance to see what Gananoque formally was like, while also giving generations that came before mine, the chance to share their own special memories.

On the top, The Blinkbonnie Motel in the 1930’s. On the bottom, what is left of The Blinkbonnie, located at 50 Main Street, as of 2018.
Published May 9, 2018

Published June 27, 2018

Published July 18, 2018

Turner’s Bazar and Opera Block (the original building) was built by John B. Turner in 1889. The location also consisted of Fullerton’s Drug Store and Osterhault Dry Goods, in addition to Turner’s Bazar, before it unfortunately caught fire in 1909. The results of the fire are shown in the second photo. The Post Office, in the third photo began occupying the location from 1912 until it was demolished in 1972 for construction of the TD Bank, fourth and current 2018 photo.
Published August 15, 2018

Originally the site of Gananoque’s Post Office from 1888 to 1912, also previously served as a public school and the office of Dr. Borden Miller. In 1974, the building became home to local law office Steacy and Delaney, run by Larry Steacy and Frederick Delaney. Since designated a heritage site, by The Town of Gananoque, the location currently functions as a bed and breakfast appropriately named The Old Post Office.
Published September 27 2018

1876 King Street Bridge. built of steel.

Facebook reader, Paul Scott wrote, “the first bridge across the Gan. River was built by Joel Stone, in 1808. It was a wooden floating structure, which was susceptible to wash-out in the Spring and was destroyed by The Forsyth Rifles,during the American raid on Gananoque on Sept. 21, 1812. As a result, the blockhouse was built to protect this vital link between Kingston and Prescott. See the granite plaque at the south end of the King St. bridge.
Published October 3, 2018

2017 the winning team at Gananoque Secondary School.
Help! We would love to put names on each of the players for all three years. Can you help?
As with all historical material, we welcome comments and questions – It would be wonderful to learn more about these building. How did these buildings play a role in your family’s life in Gananoque?
By Julie Woods
Julie woods grew up in Gananoque and is currently in her 3rd year of the Honours Bachelor of Behavioural Psychology at St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Campus. She is an appreciated volunteer at the Arthur Child Heritage Museum and editor the ACHM’s Facebook page.
Comment by: Tom King
Left at: 6:00 AM Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Thank you for taking on the task of running the museum's social media program Julie. I know I certainly enjoy the "Wayback Wednesdays" feature and the comments that the posts
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