TI Life Starts 2019!
by: Susan W. Smith
Did you know, in January each day gains between 90 seconds and two minutes of daylight! I realize there is a long way to go, but June 21st is on its way!

Lynn McElfresh starts us off with Party Like It’s 1899! (Yes the year is right, 1899); then Mike Folsom and St. Lawrence Ship Watcher partner, Joanne Crack review Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Seaway 2018 .

Tom King and Linda Twichell provide two historical pieces of note: The Golden Age of 1000 Islands Tour Boats and Early Westminster Park Families: The Hanford Family.
Want to stroll down Memory Lane… you can do so with Cary Brick’s A Stroll To Reinman’s Newsstand. (Yes, Charles Reinman often gave 4 quarters as change for a dollar purchase!)
We have all heard about the giant Asian Carp devastating fish habitats and you can do something. Follow John Peach’s instructions in Help Block Asian Carp. while Paul Hetzler explains Frosted by the Weather with photographs by Chris Murray. Chris also provides one more lesson for photographers with Depth of Field: The Story Behind the Image “Frozen River”.
And take time to solve Dan LeKander’s Sudoku Puzzle #48 plus get ready to prepare for the first boating guests with Nicol Hartshorn’s Cape Vincent Crab Dippers.
New Contributor

Joann Crack - Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Seaway 2018 in Review
Joanne Crack has maintained The Prescott Anchor social media page since 2014, offering daily ship logs, shipping industry news, and reviews, including many ships and Seaway related photographs. She is an AIS (Automatic Identification Station) owner as The Prescott Anchor #3116 with the globally renowned Marine Traffic network, Athens, Greece, being one of very few of their first female operators as well as operating three marine radios.
Joanne enjoys her family and great friends. Her primary focus and hobbies are “everything and anything shipping”, photography and “running the river” whenever possible.
Santa Came to Town! A Report by Doug Tulloch
After furious fundraising and great exposure in the press and on social media we had our work cut out for us. At least 40 people showed up to help with gift wrapping after the organizers had helped Santa with a little shopping.

The wrapping party is quickly becoming its own holiday tradition!

Local Tom Petrie delighted with his hay wagon rides starting an hour before Santa.
An amazing backdrop was created by Amanda DesJardin with Horizon Aerial Media Services. The event photos were also contributed by Horizon. The weather on event day, December… was perfect! A few degrees above freezing and partly sunny after a heavy morning fog luckily burned off.

Santa arrived in a TowBoat US boat driven by Captain Mike.

Santa was accompanied by organizer Doug Tulloch AKA River Santa.

Mark your calendar now! Planning has already begun for the 2019 - 1000 Islands River Santa Festival. It will be held on December 14th, 2019, once again in downtown Alexandria Bay.
The 2018 committee included Lisa Slate and Becky Wyble as co-chairs; Doug Tulloch, Mike Wyble, Sue and Andy Duclon, Bob Rowley, and Tracy Loomis Burgess. Claire Dunlap with the Alexandria Bay Chamber of Commerce handled all the finances and administration.

Photographs by Dennis McCarthy, Cape Vincent, NY

Facebook Video by Chip Bracy published, Sunday January 13, 2019 on St. Lawrence Seaway Ship Watcher Facebook Page.
And finally, TI Life is changing…

This month I am pleased to report that we plan to launch a new Format for TI Life in February (or March!). Mike Cox, Creative Computer Solutions, has found a responsive backend software - one Susan W. Smith, is happy with! This means you will be able to view TI Life on any device. It also means the format will be clean and easier to read.
And most important doing so free of advertising. So stay tuned. We will certainly be looking for financial support to allow us to continue “putting a thousand islands in your life!”
We promise no political content but links to other Thousand Islands happenings.
I thank those who send photographs for TI Life – they really are better than 1000 words… Always send photos to info@thousandislandslife.com
And, this Editor is looking forward to receiving new submissions throughout the year. I bet our readers are too!
By Susan W. Smith, Editor, info@thousandislandslife.com
Special thanks to editor Bill Stallan and proofreaders Rick Taylor, Georgia Barker, and Dane Zabriskie. I especially thank Mike Cox who is the magician behind the website. What a team

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