When we lived here the first time, Brian and I were Macsherry Trail Steward volunteers. It was awesome! Our “job” was to hike the trail on a fairly regular basis . . .
I was paddling back to shore after a lovely morning kayak ride. I was not too far from home when I noticed a strange splashing motion in the water a little way downstream.
I dislike hordes of seagulls as much as anyone. When my partner, JBJ, and I went to see a movie in Kingston last summer, we were accosted and disgusted by dozens of seagulls in the parking lot . . .
Each year, on the first weekend in March, the Fort La Presentation Association hosts a Primitive Snowshoe Biathlon where participants snowshoe along a 1½ mile trail through the woods.
Have you ever had an altercation with a swan? I have and so has another TIA member whose story I am sharing here.
Over the last eight years, however, this beauty and serenity has been horribly disrupted by the ever expanding industrialization of our neighbour, Kehoe Marine Construction.
Jan Brabant photographed local Clayton trapper Don Marshall as he made his way out to his traps, collected his catch and then processed them.
Eating ice cream on a regular basis helps combat Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, according to recent studies. At least that’s how I interpret the results.
Our Dock Master, a great blue heron, is checking for fish before plunging into the water and returning to the dock. It caught its fish on the first try. . .
Even to the casual observer, Blind Bay is an environmentally sensitive area. It is extremely disturbing that US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) appears solely focused on establishing a large facility specifically in this fragile area . . .
All about new research on fruit flies - with surprising results - on flies dropping like flies when they see dropped flies . . . (Editor says: There may be help in my summer kitchen!)
Though not officially labeled as Garlock Bay on navigation charts or USGS topo maps, the scenic embayment behind buoy “205” claims its name from decades of ownership and diligent stewardship by the Garlock family of Alexandria Bay . . .
The eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) isn’t really a crop-bearing tree, but it has borne priceless “fruit” for American democracy.
The story of these rocks is part of a broader saga of a geophysical feature transformed suddenly in mid-twentieth century North America. The Long Sault Rapids were timeless, until their time stopped.
Climbing into my old Lyman outboard at dawn with my dog Luna is a wonderful way to start the day. Amazingly, Luna settles down and does not seem to scare the birds away. . .
Ever wonder who started Making Gananoque More Beautiful? Joan MacKinnon gives us the history and Elaine Davidson invites us on the 2023 tour.
What is quite astounding is that after all these years, many of you still think that the Thousand Islands shoal markers are placed there each summer by the Coast Guard or Parks Canada
Last year, the River community took urgent action to protect a special place that was in danger of being changed forever . . .