Supporting Those We Appreciate
by: Susan W. Smith
Some of you are on your islands, others sheltered in your winter homes – either way, you will be worried about the many not-for-profit organizations we champion each summer. Please keep informed by going to their webpages and Facebook links to keep up-to-date.
All non-profits need our financial and moral support, so when the time comes and you can see that light at the end of the tunnel, contact those who work so hard to make our communities special.
In addition, remember to shop locally, as soon as we have permission to move back to the River.
The BRIEF information below is found on websites, or provided by executive directors.
Listed in Alpha Order [I am sure I have forgotten some, so send the material and I will add..]
1000 Islands History Museum, Gananoque (formerly named Arthur Child Heritage Centre): The Museum is closed to the general public. However, planning is still underway for this year's exhibit from Ingenium Canada, scheduled from May 14 - October 29. Although the museum will not be open on that date, we look forward to hosting this amazing display. Women have made significant contributions to STEM – and continue to do so – but their stories are often untold. Why is that? This travelling display shares some of these stories and provides recognition for the crucial role of women in STEM. (1000 Islands History Museum Facebook)
Aquatarium, Brockville, ON: The Aquatarium is aware of the concerns of the public and the media, about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a decision has been made to close the Aquatarium to the public, until further notice. At this time, all programming are cancelled. New updates will be posted on our Website and Social Media. (Aquatarium Facebook)
Antique Boat Museum, Clayton, NY: Our originally scheduled opening day of May 1st has been postponed to June 1, 2020. The Museum is excited to be planning a “Virtual Opening” on May 1st! Collaborations with Woody Boater and The Wooden Boat Experience are underway to bring all of you a new type of Antique Boat Museum experience. Stay tuned!! We are also taking registrations for our 2020 Boat Show and celebrating with the return of Queen of the River this year, encouraging past "Best of Show" recipients to return. (Rebecca Hopfinger, Executive Director)(ABM Facebook)
Clayton Opera House, Clayton, NY On March 16, the Clayton Town Board met and directed Opera House staff that no events will occur in the Clayton Opera House, between now and Monday, April 20, at which time the board will reassess conditions and guidelines from Gov. Cuomo and the CDC. The following changes have already occurred in the Opera House schedule: Comedian Jen Kober, originally scheduled for Saturday, March 28, will now be performing Thursday, July 2; and The Trews, originally scheduled for Saturday, April 4, will now be performing Friday, May 29. For ticket holders of either show, tickets will be honored for the new dates. Those who cannot attend on the new show date should call the box office to discuss other options. The following shows have been cancelled or rescheduled: Mayhem Poets-Rescheduled for September 18th, 2020 Band of Heathens - cancelled for 2020, Tom Rush is rescheduled for October 8th, 2020, Shawn Colvin- cancelled for 2020, possible rescheduling for 2021. (Clayton Opera House Facebook)
Cornwall Bros Store Museum, Alexandria Township Historical Society, Alexandria Bay, NY: The Cornwall Brothers Store Museum normally opens for Victoria and Memorial Day weekends, then Wednesdays through Sundays until July 1, and seven days a week until Labor Day. This year, all events and the opening are on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic. Alternate plans for internet options are being developed, along with updated information on the museum website, ATHS email at is operational and being monitored. (Judy Keeler) Facebook)
Remington Museum, Ogdensburg, NY To support efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19, the Frederic Remington Art Museum is temporarily closed. This closure applies also to the Eva Caten Remington Education Center, including the children’s museum, Kid’s Place. All public programs and events are also suspended. [Check their website for information in the future] Please continue to check the Museum’s Facebook page or website ( for updates. (Remington Museum Facebook]
Save the River, Clayton, NY: We are continuing to advocate for lowering the water level in the River, funding of the Brandon Road Project to block Asian carp, and the banning of single use plastics at the local, state, and federal levels - as well as other environmental concerns. Education and Riverkeeper Programs are scheduled to take place this spring and summer, if conditions allow. We are communicating with our research partners, at the NYS DEC funded research on mussels and common tern monitoring and restoration to determine what our programs should be for the upcoming seasons. Dr. Andrew Gronewold is scheduled to return to the Clayton Opera House on July 8, to make an informative and timely presentation on "Drivers of the St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes Water Level Variability". Hopefully, life will be returning to normal by that time. (John Peach, Executive Director) (STR Facebook)
Thousand Islands Arts Centre, Clayton, NY: Home of the Handweaving (TIAC) closed its doors to the public – the Museum and Pottery Studio – temporarily on March 16th, per New York State guidelines. Our annual Weaving Conference, scheduled for April 29 – May 1, as well as its accompanying exhibition, Small Expressions, have been cancelled and rescheduled for 2021. All other 2020 events and exhibitions are unaffected as of now. Weekly updates are going to all members, volunteers, and patrons. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to TIAC as soon as it’s safe and allowed. We have another great season on tap! Please stay tuned and stay healthy. [TI Arts Centre Facebook]
Thousand Islands Association, Gananoque, ON: Government authorities have closed borders and health organizations advocate social distancing, to control the spread of the pandemic. So how can we still help one another? TIA suggests we reach out to our River neighbours and ask what you can do for those in need, or with mobility or travel restrictions. Lend them a hand and do a good deed. Create a social network that can check on each other’s property and well-being. TIA continues its work at the Board level, planning for 2020, monitoring water levels and sending news bulletins. [TIA Facebook]
Thousand Islands Boat Museum, Gananoque, ON: Stay tuned…the Boat Museum will be opening just as soon as it’s safe! We have lots of fun new ways to experience the River, and now you’ll be able to row, ride, and paddle boats - all in the great outdoors. Consider this your advanced personal invitation to enjoy coffee overlooking the water at the Boat Shop Café, build toy boats with the kids in the Children’s Center, and wander through the cottage exhibit. The final touches on the new Boathouse are almost finished too, and we can’t wait to share the new space with you – but all in good time. Stay safe, and connect with us through social media: Susanne Richter, Executive Director. (TI Boat Museum Facebook)
Thousand Islands Land Trust: Notices are sent often to keep members and the community informed. All Treks and Events, through the end of June, will be postponed until further notice. This includes the cancellation of the 2020 Zenda Community Picnic. "Open Space is Here for You! A list on the website provides a list of …Ideas for Outdoor Play and Exploration, such as: 1. Enjoy a simple walk, run, hike on our trails (while practicing social distancing) and get some needed fresh air and sunlight... 2. Look for signs of spring and wildlife movements by exploring animal tracks. 3. Try a walking meditation, or find a great spot, at a Preserve to sit and meditate! There are a lot more suggestions... the list is long and useful!"(Thousand Islands Land Trust Facebook)
Thousand Islands Museum, Clayton, NY: The Thousand Islands Museum is closed until further notice, as are most of the businesses in Clayton. As yet, we have not cancelled the 52nd Annual Decoy/Wildlife Show, which is scheduled for the third weekend in July. Hopefully by then, our world will be back to normal. (Sharon Bourquin) (TI Museum Facebook)
Thousand Islands Playhouse, Gananoque, ON: Please note that, at present, the Playhouse’s 2020 season is proceeding and will begin in three months, on May 29th. While we continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation daily, we are following the advice of our provincial and federal governments, as well as local public health officials at Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit and KFL&A Public Health. We will continue to keep our audience and followers up to date, on any changes that may occur, with regards to performances at the Thousand Islands Playhouse. See the 2020 Season (TI Playhouse Facebook)
Thousand Islands Watershed Land Trust, Lansdowne, ON: The Thousand Acre Challenge this week closes the purchase on a water-and-wildlife rich 206 acres where Leeders Creek begins; we’re writing conservation agreements with other
landowners down that creek to Charleston Lake; and property donations in the Thousand Islands have begun. Work on our newly donated farm and wetland near Athens begins to restore an 1822 house and property as a learning centre. Lots going on - contact us, join us if you’d like to pitch in on projects that will keep us apart but contributing together. Soon will have an entire new look and branding, by Love This River. Your legacy donations of gifts and land are Forever, inspiring the brand. (Don Ross) (TIWLT Facebook)
Yes, these are the friends of the River who make the Thousand Islands a wonderful place to live and visit. Let's support them as soon as we can.
By Susan W. Smith,
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