Support - How & Why...

by: Susan W. Smith

Published: February, 2019

The How!

You will notice that TI Life does not accept advertising - at all. Thus you have a clean magazine free of Google ads.

We have been fortunate to have a some financial support over the years. A few islanders have been generous.  Two have sent a donation faithfully every month and some of the real estate agents, pleased to have their properties recognized on TI Life, have also been supportive.

Obviously this new TI Life Look requires funds. We constantly also incur costs for hosting, email distribution, software and more. Now, support is needed.  I hope you will join me in giving the equivalent of a

• Can of bait, $5-$10
• A night at a marina or a $25-$50
• Tank of gas... $100+

If you’re willing to help support TI Life (any contribution is appreciated):

Please go here…

The Why!

It has been 13 years, since Paul Malo and Mike Franklin created Thousand Islands Life Magazine. At first, it appeared as a long trail of articles and photographs. Then, over time, more came. When Paul died in 2008, Ian Coristine (Paul's friend who shared his wealth of photographs) and Mike Franklin, original IT helper, asked if I would like to take it over. Ha - only a little task, I thought. A couple of articles a month, more photos – why not?

Next, Ian's good friends, Mike Cox (Creative Information Solutions, Ottawa, ON) and Dave O'Malley (Aerographics Creative Services, Ottawa, ON) created a whole new look for December 2008.  TI Life, as you have known it, came to life.  Now, over 1,300 articles, 350+ authors and thousands of photographs have been published and archived.

To the authors go our biggest thanks. Their research, creativity, and writing have made TI Life what it is today. Add to that, the photographers who share their images each month and you have a growing library of amazing material about our River, present and past - available 24/7.

Also, there have been dedicated proofreaders and editors.  Over the years, Jane Taylor, Rick Taylor (no relation) Beverly Oderkirk, Georgia Barker, Dane Zabroski and Bill Stallan catch our mistakes. My husband, Marceli Wein, has contributed photo editing, as well as putting up with my screaming, and all the while Mike Cox has been working (mostly as a volunteer) in the background every month fixing the software and keeping the bugs out!

But 2019 and 2008 are different. What works on a desktop computer screen does not work on various other devices. And there was the matter of adding captions for the different formats, change or loss of easy blogging software, all of which took time to understand and wrestle. In simple terms, the old system is obsolete.

Now we are ready for what comes next!

Susan W. Smith, Editor  (

Posted in:

Volume 14, Issue 2, February 2019

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Susan W. Smith

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