TI Life News in April 2021
by: Susan W. Smith
Is the water high? Is the water low?
Yes, it is low. Some of us think it is exceptionally low for this time of year. But we also remember the angst and serious property damage we suffered during 2019 and early last spring, 2020.
There are a number of special on-line resources you can watch to help predict water levels not only for the Great Lakes, Lake Ontario, the St. Lawrence River but also the Ottawa River. The latter is important as there are no dams along the Ottawa River to hold back water from the Island of Montreal.
Water Level Monitoring
City of Kingston: https://www.cityofkingston.ca/residents/emergency-services/emergency-management/flooding
Ottawa River: http://ottawariver.ca/ Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board
Ogdensburg, NY, NOAA, Tides & Currents: https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/stationhome.html?id=8311030
International Joint Commission: https://ijc.org/en/loslrb The International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Board ensures that outflows from Lake Ontario meet the requirements of the International Joint Commission's Orders of Approval.
See the water levels plotted by the International Joint Commission on Lake Ontario. Lake St. Lawrence, Lake St. Louis and the Montreal Harbour.

Memories Last a Lifetime
Jan Brabant sent River memories along to TI life saying, "Some old skate-sailing pictures on the River I took of Tom Brabant and his siblings. Tom, has passed away, but the skate sail tradition is alive and well in the next generation!"
TI Life certainly appreciates receiving these. (Sort of makes me miss winter . . . note, I said "sort of.")
Summer Events & Properties
TI Life has an Events Page and we are happy to publish your events throughout the summer. Send them to info@thousandislandslife.com.
Properties in the Thousand Islands looking for good steward! You can find them on our Properties page.
We need help!
Do you want to help with writing or editing content for our Books, Properties and Communities Pages? Contact info@thousandislandslife and I will give you a list from which to choose . . . Not difficult - promise!
Want to support TI Life by donating the price of a cup of coffee or a tank of gas? Donations help us with updating software and supports our mailing program.
US residents: Support Link and Canadian residents: Support Link.

This Issue:
Broad-winged Hawks Return! – by Gerry Smith
The last ten days of April and the first week of May can produce large passages of northbound hawks through our region.
Border Crossing Dilemma – by Bob Anderson
There have been pleas from many individuals urging politicians to establish a special category for property owners, to allow them to cross the border before July 1st, subject to proof of vaccination, and their agreement to comply with local COVID requirements.

Food for Thought Part II – by Martha Grimes
Destiny brought us back to the River after a little over a year, and life resumed as it had been before the great adventure. . .
Part I: Grandmothers—And Great Aunts—of the Thousand Islands: Frances “Meema” Thompson – by Hugh Quarrier and transcribed by Carolyn (Carrie) Quarrier
Born Frances Thompson, “Meema” inherited Ragnavok Island in Chippewa Bay, which had been purchased by her parents in 1889.
Part II: Grandmothers—And Great Aunts—of the Thousand Islands: Caroline Post Wright – by Tom Robbins and illustrated by Sarah Coate
Our grandmother, Caroline Wright, was known for many things, but on the St. Lawrence River she could always be identified by her signature white sailor’s cap.
Part III: Grandmothers—And Great Aunts—of the Thousand Island: Great Aunt Margaret Griffin – by John Kunz
My Great Aunt, Margaret Elizabeth Griffin, was the third youngest of the eight children. . .
Finding Aquatic Nuisance Species! by Alaina Young (TILT) and Brittney Rogers (SLELO PRISM)
Watercraft Inspection Stewards serve as a front-line defense against aquatic invasive species such as Hydrilla, Eurasian Water Milfoil, and Zebra Mussels. Aquatic invasive species that are transported by vessels . . .
Voyageurs Come to Visit – by Nora Detlor
Modern-day voyageurs were looking for places to camp overnight along their way, so I offered our property here on Ash Island.
John Nalon – Gananoque’s “Mr. History” – by Paul Scott
Forty years at the helm of the Historical Society – four to six meetings, and two newsletters per year. That’s 180 meetings, and 145 guest speakers . . . all thanks to John Nalon.
"Red Jacket" Comes to Kingston – by Robert Mazza
"Red Jacket," A Canadian Sailing Legend Comes to Kingston. Peter Milligan, her most recent owner, donated her to the Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston.
Judge, Senator, Civil Servant, and Attorney – One of Just 45 in US History – by Cary Brick
A story about the 98th birthday of a statesman who is the only living American to have served in all three branches of the US Federal government.
Artists & the Pandemic: Before the Summer Show – by Martha Stroud
Artists found unforeseen benefits in the pandemic . . . Although their "Before the Summer" show is cancelled their artwork is available for all to see.
Sudoku Puzzles #70 & #80 – by Dan LeKander
Get your Sudoku hat, hot cup of coffee, and a sharp pencil ready for the April Sudoku puzzles.
The Witch of Wellesley Island, Chapter 5: Unlucky Penny – by Patrick Metcalf
The police officer who answered Sarah's phone call was surprisingly dismissive, especially considering the fact that there was an active missing person’s case focusing on approximately the same area where Pete and Sarah had heard . . .

Enjoy, stay well and hurry back to the River!
By Susan W. Smith, Editor, info@thousandislandslife.com
Special thanks to the TI Life team, proofreaders, Rick Taylor, Dane Zabriskie, Georgia Barker, and the real editor, Elspeth Naismith. They all had a lot of work this month! Thanks gang. And once again we send our very best wishes to Bill Stallan, our "comma policeman", whom we miss very much!
Header photograph by Lynn E. McElfresh
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