News in August, from the Editor

by: Susan W. Smith

Published: August, 2021

Welcome home, to all those Untied States residents who can now cross the border and check on their Canadian Thousand Islands' properties. This editor has over 25 of these summer residents as neighbours in the Admiralty Islands, so seeing lights on and boats at the dock after a year of absence is wonderful! Now, we are hoping that the US border will open and allow this editor to
cross over to visit family, friends, and all of her favourite haunts!

Storm over Fort Wallace July 13th 2021, by Melanie Hertzog

2021 1000 Islands Kingston Poker Run

Did you wonder what all of that noise was about? Yes, the 1000 Islands Kingston Poker Run was held on the weekend of August 6 – 7, with spectators watching from the shores in Kingston, to Prescott, to Brockville, where they had a lunch stop-over, and then back to Kingston. Cancelation in 2020 did not seem to put a damper on the event, the participants, or the spectators; if anything, there was more enthusiasm this year! Each of the 50+ entrants received a Boat entry for the driver and navigator, a slip for two nights, secure rig parking, as well as a participant plaque for each boat entered.

Missed the earlier event? No problem, since the Gananoque Poker Run will take place on August 28, 2021.

Our thanks to Kevin McLaughlin of 6Kimages for sharing his wonderful shots!

Websites to explore hosted by Richard Margolis 

Richard Margolis Features Watertown Landmarks

What a wonderful project! Photographer Richard Margolis launched a new website to highlight and give historical references for some amazing Watertown sites. He starts his review with this comment: "Watertown, New York has seen better days – that’s hard to deny. Back in the day it had more millionaires than any other city of its size . . ." Be sure to check his website and subscribe to his newsletter. Richard Margolis <>

Although the border is not completely open, there are lots of fun and exciting things to do this summer on both sides. Call and ask questions and be sure to explore their webpage

NEWS from Leeds Grenville Economic Development

We suggest you take full advantage of the "Ask the Expert - Virtual Business Advisory Service". A Virtual Business Advisory service is available to local business owners, allowing them to be matched with professional advisors who will provide FREE one-on-one specialized, confidential advice. There is a limit to 3 hours per business owner. Expert support is available in the following areas:

Legal, Accounting / Bookkeeping, Business Plan /Sales Coaching, Digital /Social Media Marketing, Human Resources, Intellectual Property, and Marketing / Brand Development

For more information or to register, contact the centre for your area.

Leeds Grenville Small Business Centre serving Athens, Augusta, Brockville, Edwardsburgh Cardinal, Elizabethtown-Kitley (south portion), Front of Yonge, Leeds and the Thousand Islands, Gananoque, Prescott, and North Grenville.

Small Business Advisory Centre serving Elizabethtown-Kitley (north portion), Merrickville-Wolford, Rideau Lakes, and Westport.

Lori Wilson Arnot shared this special photograph with us for August and summer 2021

Boating Safety update from the US Coast Guard

This final website link could save your life. The opening paragraph gives the warning: A new law took effect this month requiring boaters to use an engine cut-off switch on all personal watercraft (PWCs) and most powerboats less than 26 feet in length. The law aims to reduce the problem of runaway boats and propeller strikes, which account for about 4 percent of all boating accidents and injuries in the United States each year. Check out the website for details. There is a grandfather clause but all new boats built after 2020 must have the safety switch installed and used. According to Facebook chatter, Alex Bay Coast Guard are already looking for this feature when they stop and do safety checks. Bottom line - be smart, stay safe.

This Coast Guard photograph shows how: the lanyard can be looped around the operator's wrist or clipped to a life jacket or clothing. 

This Coast Guard photograph shows how the lanyard can be looped around the operator's wrist, or clipped to a life jacket or clothing.

Sherry Tanny sent this amazing photograph. Wish summer would never end, right? 

And Please Don't Forget

Are you a whiz at social media? We can use some help posting TI Life news! Contact me at

Want to support TI Life by donating the price of a cup of coffee or a tank of gas? Donations help us with updating software and support our mailing program.

US residents: Support Link and Canadian residents:  Support Link.

By Susan W. Smith, Editor,

Special thanks to the TI Life team, proofreaders, Dane Zabriskie, Georgia Barker, and the real editor, Elspeth Naismith. They all make every issue great! Last year our "comma policeman" had some serious health issues and every month we wish him well. This month is no exception so Bill Stallan we still miss you!

[Header photograph by Kevin McLaughlin of 6Kimages (Link)]

Posted in:

Volume 16, Issue 8, August 2021, From the editor, Photos, News article

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Susan W. Smith

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