From the Editor, August 2023
by: Susan W. Smith
There are so many expressions that fit every time that I say It's Summer Time, such a, And the living is easy . . . Catch the sun . . . One moment in the sun . . . Sail off into the sunset . . . No, forget that last one as I want summer to last. Why? Family, Friends, Poker Runs, Boat Shows, Summer Gatherings, and so much more. Apart from tornado warnings and lots of downpours, I think you will agree this is a wonderful summer and it is not over yet!
Best Boat Names Contest

In June, I suggested we look for the best names for boats on the River. And Court Rutherford sent in this one. He and his wife, Louise, can be found visiting many Thousand Islands ports. He wrote: "We picked the name because we could not originally come up with one that wasn’t already taken . . . I was thinking what is the name of a boat all about anyway - memories or in our case starting conversations at every port. Everybody always smiles when they see the name She’s Complicated."
Court also sent at link to a blog describing how to christen your boat:
Have you seen a name that makes you smile? Please take a photo for TI Life.

Sad News
Grindstone Islanders are sad to hear the news that Thomas M. Tinney, 80, passed away on Tuesday, August 1, 2023. Tom was well known both on the island and in the community for he was the go-to man for helping and fixing. He was responsible for doing major road and bridge work on Grindstone, which was much appreciated by all. This editor served on the TILT board with Tom and his expertise was welcome. Yes, the River has lost another champion.

We have 14 articles this issue.
Did you go on a special excursion this summer? If so, please send us your short description. 500 words, 3 - 5 photographs, and remember River has a capital R. These articles will be placed on our Excursions section.
Please leave comments or questions on articles, or send them to me to post (there is a little glitch using some web browsers.)
By Susan W. Smith, Editor,
And the TI Life Team:
Elspeth Naismith, "Real Editor"; Georgia Barker, Dane Zabriski, and Rick Taylor are our proofreaders. Jennifer Caddick has taken over Social media; Beth Lavos is posting books; Dan Mathias looks after Events, Marie-Anne Erki is our illustrator; and last but not least is Mike Cox, our IT Magician.

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