From the Editor - 16 Years and Counting!

by: Susan W. Smith

Published: November, 2024

In 2006, the late Paul Malo created TI Life as a regional overview – “On and beside the River, above the River (drones and planes), or under the River (scuba divers and underwater drones)! Paul died in the summer of 2008 and I took over as Editor in December 2008.

Since then, our web site has grown to be huge, providing information about 22 communities and many subjects important to islanders, mainlanders, and visitors. November 2024 is no exception – except that it marks my 16th year. Those who know me well know that I swear every now and then . . . but sweet 16 makes it plain that and I just love doing this! So, enjoy our dozen articles and leave your comments, please!

TI Life – 2006-2008 was created by Paul Malo, with the IT help of Mike Franklin. Ian Coristine provided his photographs and that tradition carries on. Today, Mike Cox is our IT magician and we have a team of copy editors, proofreaders, and web content managers. For Susie, it is now 16 years! 

Coming soon!

It goes so quickly. . . Canadian Thanksgiving - American Thanksgiving - community Santa Parades plus Alexandria Bay's River Santa Festival! Don't blink, for it will be over in no time!

Sad News

We learned of the loss of another River champion this month, with the news that Wayne C. Strauss died. It was his cousin who notified me as he discovered the many TI Life articles that Wayne has written over the years. I wrote to Wayne’s cousin, mentioning that I remember the very first email I received from Wayne, asking if I would be interested in publishing one of his poems. Unfortunately, the poem was on an article that did not get transferred to our new format in December 2019, but I am proud to post it now. This was my Editor's note on the article:

Let me introduce you to Wayne Strauss, who first spent his summers in Fineview on Wellesley Island, and now hails from Alexandria Bay. This is, he proudly states, his 60th year on the River, and as he says, “They used to say that to be a real "River Rat," you had to have had your diapers washed in the River. Mom says that I qualify.”
He has been writing poetry “on and off for 40 years.” It all started when he took a college course that made a big impression. He not only puts his thoughts on paper but is a devoted member of Toastmasters International!
After answering all my questions, I asked Wayne what I had missed, and he proudly stated, “My earliest swim date is April 4th; pushed out ice in the AM, went in the River in the PM. May also qualify for "World's Shortest Swim!"

We will miss this fine gentleman. He wrote six articles for our old format and six articles in the new. One you will remember was The Ship's Cook, where Wayne introduced the Seaway chef, Catherine Schmuck, to our readers. Thanks Wayne, for all your works – much appreciated!

Get An Early Start . . .

I am suggesting you check out our list of books  - time to get them ordered them from your neighbourhood bookstore and delivered so you'll be on time for December 25th.

Check out the dozens of books written by TI authors or about the Islands. Tessa Wegert has a new one and Paul Hetzler's is a must have!

And What About History . . .  

A reader wrote to thank us for publishing so many interesting history articles. The majority were published in the old format, prior to December 2019, so if you’re new readers, be sure to check this section out.

Nick Edwards caught this beauty on the 9th of November at 4:55 p.m. It was a catch and release, and Nick says it was caught on a 9" Baker Musky Lure, on the NY side of the St. Lawrence River. (Wow Nick, and thanks for sharing)


Please leave your comments or questions or send them to me to post (there is a glitch using some web browsers.)

Anne Marie Hartman and her husband return each summer for a River Fix. This summer she had been watching this doe and baby diligently, every day, and was rewarded with this shot. She says, "You just need to know where to peek in the woods!"

Enjoy November's articles and get ready, because our 2024 Photo Contest winners will be presented in December.

By Susan W. Smith, Editor,

Plus the TI Life Team: Elspeth Naismith is the "Real Editor;" our proofreaders are Georgia Barker, Dane Zabriskie, and Rick Taylor. In addition, Jennifer Caddick covers social media; Dan Mathias posts events; Beth Lavos is posting books; Marie-Anne Erki is our illustrator; Allison Burchell-Robinson has joined the team, and last but not least is Mike Cox, our IT Magician.

Header photo by Bill Fraser, Brockville, ON.

Posted in:

Volume 19, Issue 11, November 2024, From the editor, Photos

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Susan W. Smith

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