Leaving French Creek Bay, Book Signing
by: Thomas K. Hunt
I Got Lost in a Dream
I'm just sitting back easy taking in the night
among a circle of friends under the northern moonlight
Reaping the rewards from another beautiful day
In the Thousand Islands up near French Creek Bay
I just closed my eyes for a second or two
I was back on the river and the sky was blue
Something was different it wasn't what it seemed
then I opened my eyes from another dream
I got lost in a dream with you by my side
I closed my eyes and we went for a ride
I was smiling from where I'm supposed to be
Up on the river with you beside me
I go back every chance I get
I get there everyday but I'm not there yet
I get lost in a dream when I want to be with you
I get lost every day and that's nothing new
I just close my eyes when I want to go there
When I open them it all disappears
I'm in a dream any time of the day
One day I'll close my eyes and there I'll stay
I get lost in a dream when I want to go home
In my dream I've never roamed
I'm back in time where I belong
then I wake up to the same old song
I get lost in a dream
It is what it seems
I dream every night of you
I dream in color
Do you?
By Thomas K. Hunt
Copyright © 2021 Thomas K. Hunt

I Remember
I was sitting in a gallery
That's not what it used to be
That was the Post Office
Years before river rats made cheese
My home, now a restaurant
Witness to the Inlet burning
When flames lit up floating antiques
Monuments from the day
Streamlined, sleek
The face of grace
Testimonies to the trade
Adonis summered in the waves
Hauled from the banks every autumn
While wintering on wooden stilts
Resting until the spring thaw
Evidence is buried or hidden
That was the catholic school
Those are railroad ties
The water tower was right there
Pictures on a wall hold the truth
Past commanders that held their post
Echoes of colliding glasses
That ended each war story
Blood red quarters filled the jukebox
That played decades of memories
Black derbies, poles of grease
Fishing ponds behind curtains
Regal Tone music on the block
Real custard from a stand
The grand union of multitudes
Rejoiced in happy hours
Traditional Wednesday filled the lot
Under the shadows of black hills
Mounds of food for the furnaces
Feeding the hungry steamers
Now lay leveled to a park
Where the rails came to an end
By Thomas K. Hunt
[Copyright © 2021 Thomas K. Hunt]
Thomas K. Hunt, a poet, says the Thousand Islands is where his roots will be, forever! TI Life profiled him in January 2015 (see “Poetry by Thomas K. Hunt”, by Susan W. Smith). “I didn't start writing until I moved away in 1976. I started missing what I had, growing up - both friends and family - and just started writing about them. The words seemed to flow at times and it just felt so natural. One of the first poems I wrote was “I long to be in the Islands.” I remember writing it and the asking myself, wow, did I write that?” Thomas often shares his work on Facebook.
Leaving French Creek information can be found on our TI Life Books page. [https://thousandislandslife.com/books/leaving-french-creek-bay-by-thomas-k-hunt/]
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