How Do You See Back Issues of TI Life?
by: Susan W. Smith
This article was first printed in February 2020. At the end of 2021, things haven't changed, but we're often asked how to find a particular subject of interest.
Can I look up an article written by a particular author? (there are over 350 of them)?
2. What about looking up an article by topic?
3. Will Google find an article for me?
The answer is Yes, Yes, and Yes… but there are some tricks" involved.
Looking up back issues.
Go to the main page and look for the BACK ISSUE tab. If you are on an iPhone or similar device, you need to hit the three tiny bars at the top of the page.
The Back Issue tab will take you to a long list (over 16 years with about 12 issues per year). If you’re looking for an issue that was published from June 2018 up until this issue (Volume 16, Issue 12, December 2021), you will see them by hitting the desired year now.
However, if you want to see an issue from several years ago, please do the following:
- On the Back Issue page, scroll down to any issue prior to 2017. Hit that and you will go to the old site. Hit the tab Back Issue on the tab line once again. That Back Issue tab will take you to all the issues published prior to 2018. Find the date you are interested in and click on that date. Your article will appear on the main page.
2. You might want to look for an article written by a particular author? Take Lynn McElfresh for example; there are two places to look for each author. The Old site (up to 2018) and the New site (2018-present)
- Once you have the long list of TI Life issues on the left side, look on the right side and you will see an even longer list of authors. Still using Lynn as an example, you’ll see the listing for Lynn E. McElfresh (119) articles on the old site. Yes, she’s actually written more than that . . . and we’re still thanking her for her talent and all the marvelous articles that she’s given us.
Alphabetical by first name!
NOW, before you start to shout about the list not being in alphabetical order . . . I have to say that all the shouting in the world will not help! We started off in 2008 thinking that we might last a couple of years, and there would not be many authors – certainly we never imagined 350+! So, I'm afraid you have to look for a first name. However, if you do a "search and find" on the page for the name you know, you should find the right author easily. (e.g. McElfresh)
Hit the name and there you have it, the links to all of that author’s work for TI Life.
Want to find Poets, Photographers, History? The list is long; just go on that “Back Issue Page,” scroll down to the bottom on the list of issues (year and date). There you will see a list of categories.
Articles by Category (Here is the list from two years ago)
History (467)
Photography (179)
Artists (97)
Places (645)
Nature (223)
People (601)
Sports (336)
Event (83)
News Article (347)
Fiction (22)
Poetry (36)
Book Review (58)
From the Editor (116)
Architecture (137)
They are all linked to those articles that we placed in that category. Of course, there are some exceptions, but I think you will find most of them… and at least enough to keep you reading about our River and out of trouble for several weeks!
Can you look up an article on Google? Yes, but the search engine and meta data is not as good as I would like - all my fault as I never put in as many key words as necessary. The new issues (2018-2021) are coded more thoroughly.
Here is an example: Google: Thousand Islands Life Lynn McElfresh – It will produce the following links.
Another example: Artists: “Will Salisbury, Thousand Islands Life” the top three selections are ours.
So, there you have it. I hope you will bear with me and start poking about… When we started we said, “put a thousand islands in your life…” I know you have and I hope you will continue to do so.
And I am sure as 2021 draws to a close, it is not too soon to be saying out loud . . . THINK SPRING
Susan W. Smith, Publisher/Editor
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