Happenings in August: News and Updates
by: Susan W. Smith
The River is hardly slowing down, and with the wonderful weather, there seem to be more boats anchored in bays and dozens of buzzing watercrafts zooming around! Picture perfect in every way.
This Issue
Our other articles this month are interesting and helpful.
Start with Margaret Dochoda’s Dog-Strangling Vine Invades Wolfe Island, Tad Clark’s Excursions: 2018, Bob Duthie’s Renewing Life in a Condo… and I introduce Wavve Boating… Yes, an App for That…
… Margaret warns islanders getting rid of Swallow Wart invasive plants is difficult - Tad provides several options for exploring off the River, Bob tells us about life after boating and now in a condo, and Wavve Boating takes navigating to a whole new level.
Lynn McElfresh and Linda Twichell take us back to the 1800s in Wish They All Could Be Summer Girls and VB Stewart et al… More Uticans Settle Westminster Park.
Dan LeKander once again challenges us with Sudoku Puzzle #43;
New Contributor

Margaret Dochoda - Dog-Strangling Vine Invades Wolfe Island
Margaret Dochoda is a seasonal resident living on Wolfe Island, ON. A retired fishery biologist on the Great Lakes; we look forward to receiving Margaret’s notices on her Yahoo Wolfe Island Forum discussion group. Her timely notices provide important information to Wolfe Island residents as well as for those of us living on islands downriver.
Update – The Edible Garden – first June 2015, and now June 19, 2018
It was back in 2015 that we wrote Dani Baker takes a day off…
I explained how I barged in on Dani Baker’s Wellesley Island’s Cross Island Farms and saw the very beginning of the Edible Forest… Now a few years later the garden is in full bloom and Dani and her partner David Belding invite you to join them for Sunday afternoon on August 19, 2018 for an Outdoor Dance Party… Music and fun.

Excerpt: June 15, 2015 Dani Baker takes a day off…
Dani took us on an hour long tour, which I thought would be a simple “over here is this, over there that.” Instead it turned out to be a lesson in agriculture, horticulture and life.
The edible forest at Cross Island Farms is designed according to the principles of permaculture, which is an elegant system of working with nature. Each plant, bush and tree is placed according to what it will contribute to its neighbours. Some plants fix nitrogen, some bring nutrients closer to the surface and some repel pests. The diversity of plants and the proper placement means that down the road, when the forest is mature, it will be strong, healthy and mostly labour-free.
Dani spent long hours in the winter months, working out the plan for the forest. She also made a trip to England to observe what a leading plant expert has done. The forest is mostly in the imagination right now. It is in its third growing season and the trees are small but proud, poking their heads out of the tall grass. We were amazed at the variety of herbs, flowers, bushes and trees. They all produce something edible, whether it is fruit, nuts or something to make tea. A beautiful stone path winds through the forest area. It is wide and flat enough for a wheelchair and there are small terraces where people could sit. When it is mature, it will be a beautiful place to host an event. We could easily imagine a bride coming down the path, her dress brushing the herbs at the edge. We could also imagine a concert, party or church service, as the area is discreetly wired for sound and lights.

Update – Piper the dock dog!
Tom King is pleased to report that the family’s new puppy, Piper, has thoroughly embraced island life and is already well on her way to becoming an accomplished “Dock Dog”! This ten-month-old German Short Haired Pointer pup loves boat rides and is learning to swim, much to the surprise of everyone. She is also amassing an impressive collection of sticks to chew on and has already covered just about every square inch of the island, with her nose to the ground, checking out all the wonderful smells. She loves to hang out on the dock when there is activity going on out there and is quickly learning the ropes of becoming the official greeter when a boat arrives. Tom’s only concern is that, after two weeks of cottage life, Piper isn’t going to want to leave to go home.
Tom’s article, “Dock Dog”, which was published in the December 2017 issue, can be found at the link below;
Cole Shoal / Five Mile Lighthouse Fire

Soon after the lighthouse burned members of the River community formed the Re-Build Five Mile Light Committee and recruited former Canadian senator and MMP Bob Runciman as Chair.
A complete history of the lighthouse was published in April 2014 by Mary Alice Snetsinger. TI Life was able to link Mary Alice with media to provide additional material and information.

Please Remember

We certainly appreciate having you hit our button at the top of each article and Support TI Life – although we: Authors, Photographers, Proof Readers and Editors – including this one(!) all publish TI Life as Volunteers, there are costs, including our Email Program - Constant Contact, and our software, now working in its 11year. (I say that each month… but now we are almost there. We will need some volunteers to help us on our way, so stay tuned!)
I thank those who send photographs for TI Life – they really are better than a 1000 words… Send photos of interesting happenings to info@thousandislandslife.com
And, this Editor is looking forward to receiving new submissions throughout the year. I bet our readers are too!
Each month photographers generously share photos – on behalf of everyone – I thank them! (Slide Show below)
By Susan W. Smith, Editor, info@thousandislandslife.com

Special thanks to editor Bill Stallan and proofreaders Rick Taylor, Georgia Barker, and Dane Zabriskie. I especially thank Mike Cox who is the magician behind the website. What a team
By Susan W. Smith, susansmith@thousandislandslife.com
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