From the Editor, June 2023
by: Susan W. Smith
OK, I apologize, I am from Canada and I do have a lot of clout . . . but stopping the smoke heading south from our wildfires is not on the list. Come to think of it, I am really not very powerful at all! Thanks to Andy Kane, we have a photograph to remember a not so wonderful day. The wildfire smoke travelled across many miles and may be a reminder of things to come. Three days later, there was regular fog and we have another photograph by Aerosnapper Kingston, taken that morning in Kingston.

Blind Bay - Not over Yet...
It’s not over yet, and stay tuned as Save the River and Thousand Islands Land Trust will ask you to get involved. Why? It is our River, on both sides; our fish, on both sides; our economy, on both sides. Learn more and by all means, please sign a petition when it is circulated. Together, we can change minds and move the proposed Coast Guard Station up to the Alexandria Bay Industrial park and away from ruining the most important – and irreplaceable fish habitat in the region.
As soon as we get more information, I will add it to this article. This is too important to miss.

A Sure Sign of Summer!

Starting Over:
Larry Asam sent photos of the new construction on Murray Isle. This is exciting, as you may remember that the old cottage burned down in May 2022. (see 500 Seconds by Glenn Sandiford) This time, the photos will bring a smile, for sure. We thank the owners for letting us share and we look forward to seeing the finished project.

Boat Names
We are on a quest for the best boat names for Summer 2023. Here is one I found at a local Marina. Great name – and I am sure that you’ll be nodding your head in agreement, for these boats always need work! Please share the special ones you find this summer. (

Again we remind you. . .
- Be sure to check out all the Summer events planned by all museums, galleries, organizations and communities. There's a lot planned for Summer 2023; see our Events page, managed by Dan Mathias.
- Also we have a Properties page, with links to island homes now on the market. If you have friends who are looking for a summer retreat, please pass on the link.
- Leave your comments or questions or send them to me to post (there is a glitch using some web browsers.)
- If you are on the River's edge, please take photos for TI Life. Send to - of course you can enter them in November for our TI Life Photo Contest!
- When was the last time you "poked about" TI Life? Please have a look and let us know if you can correct mistakes or add content. This is your resource and we need to ensure we are up-to-date! And if you want to join the team, just let us know.
- And remember if you head off on an excursion this summer - share that day for our Excursions page.
By Susan W. Smith, Editor,

And the TI Life Team:
Elspeth Naismith is the "Real Editor"; Georgia Barker, Dane Zabriskie, and Rick Taylor are our proofreaders. In addition, Jennifer Caddick has taken over social media; Beth Lavos is posting books; Dan Mathias posts all events; Marie-Anne Erki is our illustrator; and last but not least is Mike Cox, our IT Magician.
Header photograph is by Kim Lunman Grout. Kim helped create TI Life after Paul Malo died in 2008. You will remember Kim as the publisher of "Island Life", her print magazine. We miss you Kim!

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