February 2020 News & Photographs

by: Susan W. Smith

Published: February, 2020

Mid-February and the days are getting longer, but we still watch for weather alerts and storm warnings.  This year's snow arrived this month.

James Miller posted this in the middle of a snowstorm February 7, 2020...

Obviously, the winter will end, but we ask everyone to be safe, watch ice conditions and most of all start THINKING SPRING.

This issue of TI Life is dedicated to all those who post their photographs for us to enjoy.

The Shoreline

Water Level News: Important for Canadian residents for Water Levels

Below is a link to the Government of Canada approved petition. Launched on January 28, the government allows 30 days, which ends on February 27 at 9:10 a.m. to obtain enough signatures for the petition to be presented to the House of Commons.  The petition is #2-2300 and is now open for signatures.



Want to be kept up-to-date? Check the International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Board website, which records the water outflows and forecasts.  https://ijc.org/en/loslrb/watershed/flows

"Ice breaking on a frozen morn and breaking free..." by Pete Medcalf. The barge is owned by Mick Clarke. The barge was docked in Rockport at Andress Boat Works. Once free of ice it was on its way Grenadier Island.

Fire Destroys Home

It is not often you see Gananoque photographer, Lorraine Payette's photo in a newspaper, for it is Lorraine who is always behind the camera and the story publicizing almost everything that goes on in the community.  But on January 24th, Lorraine's rented 250-year-old log cabin burned to the ground. Immediately the community rallied round with a GoFundMe campaign reaching its goal. First for $5,000 and then increased to $10,000. $8,000 was donated through the Fund, with the remaining being given in cash and cheques directly to the organizers. Hardly a group, event or non-profit has not benefitted by Lorraine's coverage. Seeing this lady being supported in her time of need is heartwarming. This editor is one of those who appreciates all Lorraine has done and we look forward to hearing that she finds all the support she well deserves.  

A link to Hearts and Hands for Lorraine Facebook Page

Stay in Touch the Easy Way...

James R. Miller shares his work on his popular webpage, 1000 Islands River Rats Now and Then. He posted this recently and this editor thinks it is well worth sharing because it is James who links his lovely photographs with TI Life and his many Facebook River Rats.

Posted by Alex Davis on Thursday, February 6, 2020
Alex Davis, winner of the Silver Medal in the TI Life 2019 Photo Contest captured two short videos of Cape Vincent's waterfront on Feb. 6, 2020
Our cover photograph from February 2, 2020 is by Sue Ulmen Finkbeiner who posts on Thousand Islands River Views Facebook page. Notice flat calm, blue sky, no ice but a cover of snow!

Posted by Alex Davis on Thursday, February 6, 2020

Posted by Alex Davis on Thursday, February 6, 2020
Two short videos by Alex Davis... makes you think you are right there! Alex was the Silver Medal Winner in our 2019 Photo Contest.

This issue

River News

2019 Seaway Recap by Michael Folsom

River Emergencies by Richard L. Withington

Save the River’s Muskie Fishing News by John Peach

Introductions and Tributes

Lynn McElfresh’s presents: Ethos of Design – Steve Taylor and Arch Kerr

Patrick Metcalf introduces: A River Runs Through it: Furniture by Mike Schepis

Tribute to Ian Coristine by Susan Smith and Lynn McElfresh

And Meet Joel Charles, River Artist


Linda Twichell introduces: Early Families of Westminster … the Fairchilds

Arthur Pegg provides: Excerpts from Elizabeth Gwillim Simcoe’s Diary

Added Bonus

Dan LeKander’s Sudoku Puzzle #63

How Do You See Back Issues?

Winter in Gananoque by Pam Code 

Please Don’t Forget

There is a SUPPORT LINK on each article...  Our thanks to those who have used it in the past and for notifying me that it was unavailable for several months. It is fixed!

You will notice the new "TI Look" is easier to view on all devices - but the change-over is not easy.  We have gone back and changed most of 2018 and will continue over the winter months. Until then, the old site is still live.

Books:  we have started to relist the Thousand Islands Books on our new system.  If you wish to see the whole list, hit "Back Issues" and select any month in the year 2017. You will see the old format on TI Life and the BOOK Tab.

If you are on the shoreline this month and/or ice fishing... please take some photographs for TI  Life. Stay safe though. We love to see our River every month of the year! Send them to info@thousandislandslife.com.  

By Susan W. Smith, Editor info@thousandislandslife.com

Posted in:

Volume 15, Issue 2, February 2020, From the editor, News article, People, Photography

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Susan W. Smith

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