Eclipse in the Islands

by: 1000 Islands

Published: April, 2024

Well, it came, and yes, it was spectacular. The sky did not cooperate at the very beginning, as clouds overflowed our dock in the Admiralty Islands, just south of Gananoque. But as the six of us sat and talked about the situation, suddenly, we started to see the "eclipse." Within a few minutes, we were mesmerized, each of us calling out the status we saw through our glasses.

"It’s not very dark," said one. Then we heard "Wait," and like all young children, we did not want to wait. Will the clouds clear? Will it really get dark? But we did realize there was a temperature change.

Then, for all of you who experienced the Total Solar Eclipse along the St. Lawrence River, it suddenly happened. Cheers could be heard in every park along the shore, and the six of us on the dock realized that it really was dark. Our path lights came on, and I could see the glow of our house lights, which had just happened to be left on at 3:23 in the afternoon.

Of course, Larkin, a Small Munsterlander pointer, gave us our favourite photo! Thanks, Ted Mowers.

Yes, the 2024 Total Eclipse was much more than I expected, but as we say in our family, "Not a bit less than we deserved . . ." I have the pleasure of sharing several photographs from local Facebook pages and from Islanders and their visitors. Enjoy!

Roswitha Baker in Ivy Lea, ON, captured the cloudy sky and an Eagle (or maybe Osprey?) at 3:10 pm, shortly before Totality.

April 8, 2024, Eclipse on Lake Ontario, at Cape Vincent, NY. Photograph by Robert Russell.

The Unexpected Solar Eclipse - Photograph and poetry, Robert Russell, Cape Vincent

On the shores of Lake Ontario at Wilson Bay, Cape Vincent, we watched the solar eclipse and witnessed a phenomenon not mentioned in the literature—waves. That afternoon, Lake Ontario was still as glass. When the eclipse occurred, the temperature dropped ever so slightly causing a “sea breeze” to flow from water to land. This, in turn, created a series of small waves which lasted only a few minutes, until the eclipse was over and the breeze faded. Notice in the picture, the perfection of these waves in the eerie half-light of the eclipse—something mentioned in the poem “Ontario Eclipse”.

Ontario Eclipse by Robert Russell

Along sandstone
Water lays down without a ripple
A diving duck in search
As we are.

Sun, earth, moon held by gravity
Hurtle along a trajectory
An arc we took for granted
Until today.

Crossing a continent
The moon’s shadow speeds towards Wilson Bay
Both celestial and personal
We want to be awoken by its totality.

Now the black orb fills the sun
As the corona spills its muted colors
As the song sparrow stops singing
As the cooling breeze rustles the leaves.

From the stillness
Waves come to be and then are gone
So briefly touching these shores
A message from the universe.

Seaway Cape Vincent  - Video by Dennis McCarthy

Video posted by Dennis McCarthy on Seaway Cape Vincent Facebook page. View of the St. Lawrence River during the April 8, 2024 eclipse. Video runs five times faster than real time; the video starts just before Totality and runs to just after, from about 3:22 pm to 3:26 m. Taken by a fixed camera with a view of the River only. The sun was partially blocked by clouds. [Note: Dennis created two videos (See From the Editor, April 2024);the noise in the back ground is not birds but their dog!]

An Afternoon for Photos

The following photos were shared and much appreciated.

1000 Islands Excursions

1000 Islands Excursions wrote: "We were lucky enough to get out on the River during the Eclipse, and the only word I can come up with to describe the experience is awe-inspiring. I am not even sure that captures it. This is an experience I will never forget."

Emma Simard

Emma Simard captured a ship in the Seaway at the time of Totality. Emma lives in Chaumont, NY.

Annie Cardinaux

Annie Cardinaux captured the On the River construction crew and their families out on the River at the exact time it got dark!
Watching the 1000 Islands Bridge lights come on was captured by Ted Mowers.

CTV Ottawa, April 9th

CTV Ottawa chose Joanne Stewart's Photograph for April 9th Photo of the Day - the day after the total Eclipse.

Screen capture of CTV Ottawa's website "Photo of the Day." Thanks to Judith Bedford-Jones for watching that night and notifying TI Life.

Colanders were useful!

Bob Sprengel, in Chicago, took this one. It's a slightly different take on a pinhole camera. The colander is being held above the sidewalk at waist height.

In conclusion, a description by Don Ross:  

Eclipse of a Lifetime!

Yep that was a dandy. we (TIWLT) with about 30 people together at the Barn in Rockport. We were very lucky there, as at the moment it went total, there was a hole in the clouds and a full, total view. It was far more dramatic than anyone thought. And because of where we were, away from hubbub, we heard the effects as well as seeing the eclipse. A flock of a dozen turkey vultures, just as is got quite dark, landed in the pines - thinking it times to roost, I guess. Soon as the sun broke free again, off they went. The frogs in Eric’s pond suddenly started to sing, then as suddenly after went back to quiet. Same with the robins, mourning doves, song sparrows…  Amazing the signals the sun gives to wildlife about life in the wild.

Compiled by Susan W. Smith, Editor,

Posted in:

Volume 19, Issue 4, April 2024, News article

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