The Reality of COVID-19, an Essay

by: Richard L. Withington

Published: May, 2020

We asked Dr. Richard Withington if he would like to share this spring's experience with us, about living on Round Island in difficult times.  Here is his answer:

Susie, I am going to have to beg relief from my commitment to write an article for TI Life. I have spent an unusual amount of time,and thinking on the project of writing about our experiences. I even spent a whole evening writing "Six weeks in a lifeboat", but I cannot send it.

The reality of the tragedies that our friends and readers are enduring,  precludes writing anything humorous. Surely, there have been funny moments, and experiences that help us to keep balanced, but I find it inappropriate on my part to convey any levity, when I think of what others are experiencing.

There have been moments that we hopefully will look back on and see the
lighter side, but right now it just doesn't feel right. I have nothing but compassion and admiration for those who are struggling with their own special experiences.

We are all in this together, but each of us has a different set of challenges. To our readers, many of whom have followed the monthly journal for years, I have deep concern, and I wish them all successful navigation through these treacherous and difficult times.

Dr, Fauci was a classmate and friend of mine in college, He is the one person that I feel I can depend upon for realistic guidance and advice. ln the meantime, we seem to do better when we stay in touch with each other. Renew old friendships, pursue a new hobby, spend time in quiet meditation, and realize that we will eventually get through this scourge....but it is not going to be easy.

A familiar River boat with Doc Withington at the helm. Photo by Leon Rusho

On a lighter note, I have reflected upon the fact that there have been a few occasions in my life when, I have had hair in my mouth,.....but NEVER before while it was still attached to the top of my head, May God save the barbers,.....and everyone else.

By Richard L. Withington, Round Island

Posted in:

Volume 15, Issue 5, May 2020, Essay

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Richard L. Withington

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