Clayton Cucumber Bites
by: Nicole Hartshorn
The planning, the packing, the prepping.... it’s vacation time!
All your hard work, day in and day out has finally come to this glorious time.
The time where your boss has so kindly let YOU be YOU and live as if you were free of responsibility for two whole weeks! No phone calls, no patients, no overzealous salespeople with their pitches, for two whole weeks... what will you do with yourself?
Oh, I can think of a few minuscule things.
How about SLEEPING! Or a much needed date with the father of your two children, that you see from time to time. Or perhaps a day out on the River with the family, basking in the sun at that beach you love.
As for me, I don’t need much. Just my family and chair on my swim platform will do! Our SeaRay is well equipped with any amenity needed to survive two weeks of vacationing “out at sea” but my all-time favorite feature is our newly added platform.
Like a country home in a corn field needs a porch swing, a cabin cruiser on the River needs an extended platform. A spot to chill, a spot to relax, a spot to land when you get that split-second chance to jump off that “hamster wheel,” we call our everyday life.
The world appears to be so simple from that fiberglass waterfront deck. The older I get the more I appreciate SIMPLE. Which is why I would like to share one of my SIMPLER recipes with you this issue.
Clayton Cucumber Bites
Stock your galley with:
1 container of your favorite hummus,
a handful of fresh chives,
1 fresh lemon,
1 large cucumber.
Wash the cucumber and cut into 1/4-inch slices. You should get about 20 slices or so. Lay the cucumber slices flat on a serving platter and top each one with a tbsp of hummus. Now the chives! Dice up the fresh chives (about 1/2-cup) and sprinkle over top of the hummus. To finish off this SIMPLE appetizer, squeeze half of a fresh lemon over top and serve.
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