For Canadian Waterfront Land Owners
by: Susan W. Smith
It appears that Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority (CRCA) is planning on making major changes to what we can and cannot do with our waterfront properties. They posted their revisions on their website and stated that they want public input by July 29th.
Cataraqui Conservation Permitting Policy Updates - Explanatory Document
Current Guideline for Implementing Ontario Regulation 148/06
Updates: Minor Revisions Table
Updates: Substantive Revisions Table
What is Cataraqui Conservation? According to their website:
“Cataraqui Conservation []
Cataraqui Conservation is a community-based environmental protection and advisory agency, created in 1964 by the Province of Ontario at the request of municipalities within the Cataraqui watershed.
Our core mandate is to work in partnership with local municipalities, provincial and federal government agencies, environmental organizations and the general public to monitor and protect water, natural habitats, shorelines, and promote sustainable living in our community. Cataraqui Conservation is one of 36 conservation authorities in Ontario.
Cataraqui Conservation has jurisdiction over 3,800 sq. km of land from Greater Napanee in the west to Brockville in the east. In all there are 11 watersheds in our jurisdiction. Learn more about our history.”
In reading some of the proposed changes, it appears that CRCA is involving itself in homeowner issues, such as roof lines and dock staving
We strongly recommend that everyone living in the geographical area (as per the map above) review the CRCA website and do so often, since changes such as the new zoning requirements may affect your property.
By Susan W. Smith, Editor,
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