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Wanted to go boating . . . couldn't wait! Fortunately, on February 18th, a fix for our fantasizing became available to help us make it through: a new podcast called “The Boaty Show.”
. . . “On June 6th of this year, while I was simply folding laundry, I noticed pain in my left wrist,” says Mr. DuFlo. “In moments that pain began shooting up my arm and was spreading rapidly.
Known collectively as the Indian River Lakes system, these bodies of water have an important ecological purpose. The system serves as a watershed for the Oswegatchie River, which flows north from the Adirondack Mountains to the St. Lawrence River. . .
Meet Catherine Schmuck, who has cooked aboard 19 ships since starting in the early 1980’s . . .
The old Monticello turns a historic page before our very eyes as hospital emerges from hospitality.
Have you ever walked across the Thousand Islands Bridge? I’ve been crossing that bridge for the past 60 years ...