Lief Erickson Returns to North America According to Fisher, “the boat is maybe 4 ft long and maybe like a 3 ft width, with lots of freeboard,” and according to his parents, it weighs a ton. Dane Zabriskie
Part I: You, Your Boat, and the Border The outcomes of water stops can be arrest, fines, vessel seizure, or an onboard vessel search, but it is more likely that you will be left to go on your way, Dane Zabriskie
Part II: You, Your Boat, and Requirements for Crossing the Border This summary applies to the typical situations that apply to most private boaters crossing the border. Dane Zabriskie
Fire Destroys Grindstone House from 1880 Every story I've heard about fire on the islands usually had the phrase…it was gone in 5 minutes. Wooden structures ... Dane Zabriskie