2022 Photo Contest
by: Chris Murray
As the last of the leaves fall from the trees and we gracefully slide into autumn’s second act, it is time once again for our annual TI Life Photo Contest. Over the years, the contest has provided a wonderful opportunity for those passionate about photography and the River to share their photos of this beautiful region, while giving the rest of the River community something to enjoy. Once again, I have the pleasure and honour of judging alongside Lyne Roberge, Ian Coristine’s widow. The quality of the images submitted has grown over the years, and as the contest enters its 11th year, Lyne and I look forward to that trend continuing.

Closing Date: December 6
The closing date for submissions is December 6th (please send up to three photos to: susansmith@ThousandIslandsLife.com), at which point Susie will forward Lyne and me all the images blind. We will then have the task of selecting three medal winners. As well as potentially gaining some minor fame from having your images featured in December’s issue, certificates ready for framing will be awarded for the Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners.
In addition to the certificates, the medal winners will also receive a copy of Volume VII: Ian Coristine’s 1000 Islands, as well as Susie’s book, The First Summer People: Thousand Islands 1650 – 1910.
It is always tough picking just three, as typically many others are also worthy, so we will enjoy recognizing them as "Honourable Mentions,” and these will also be published in December’s or January’s issues.
I am often asked the criteria by which I judge photos. While good technique, such as proper exposure and sharp focus is important (watch for those crooked horizons!), emphasis will be placed on creativity and a unique way of seeing. Technical perfection is a learned skill, the real challenge in photography lies in expressing our own vision. I look for photos that are thoughtfully and carefully composed, such that what was important to the photographer is evident to the viewer. Show us through your own vision what makes the River special to you.

It is also important not to underestimate the role of editing in photography. No photo is truly “ready” coming out of the camera. Adjustments to exposure as well as cropping and other interpretive decisions can have a major impact on your photograph.
Remember, photography is not about an objective reality, but your perception of reality as filtered through your eyes and imagination.
Whether you're shooting with a DSLR, compact camera, smartphone, or drone, please share with us your favourites. Remember, it’s not about the camera, rather, it’s the person behind the camera that matters.
Photographs that were previously published in TI Life articles, or on our Facebook page are all welcome. Please take a few minutes to return to the River, as you sift through images, and send your picks to Susie now (susansmith@ThousandIslandsLife.com), before this slips from your mind. Lyne and I look forward to seeing your work!
By Chris Murray
Chris Murray is a photographic artist, instructor, and writer working primarily in the landscape of his home, the woods, lakes, mountains, and streams of New York State. His work has appeared in several magazines including Popular Photography, Shutterbug, Adirondack Life, Life in the Finger Lakes, New York State Conservationist, and On Landscape, among others. His landscape stock imagery is represented by Aurora Photos and Danita Delimont Stock Photography. He is a staff instructor with the Adirondack Photography Institute. He has also written more than a dozen TI Life photography articles titled Depth of Field. You can see all of Chris' TI Life here and for more of Chris’ work visit https://chrismurrayphotography.com/.
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