
Call for Recipes: Empanadas Rio San Lorenzo

The first picnic of the spring fell by chance on the 5th of May. It is a day of celebration in the Mexican American community, marking Mexico’s victory over the Second French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. The date inspired me to try something a little different for our picnic.

Volume 19, Issue 9, September 2024
Kristin Hulme

Call for Recipes: Old English Crab Meat Hors d’oeuvres

"This past December TILife’s copy editor, Elspeth Naismith, presented "Call for Recipes!" The article showed a tea towel that hangs proudly

Volume 19, Issue 8, August 2024
Susan W. Smith

Call for Recipes: Signature Summertime Pancakes

Summertime is when my husband and I usually host a string of friends or family. We each have our own “signature” dishes for the different meals of the day. Mine is this pancake recipe . . .

Volume 19, Issue 7, July 2024
Marie-Anne Erki

Call for Recipes: A Mojito-Sangria

This month Glennis Newton took up the challenge of the Call for Recipes. Her suggestion is a delicious Mojito-Sangria.

Volume 19, Issue 6, June 2024
1000 Islands

Call for Recipes: Mary’s Summer River Recipes

Mary Politis' suggests her Tomato Caprese Salad; Shrimp Appetizer, French Bread, Blue Cheese Dressing, and Summer Pizzas.

Volume 19, Issue 5, May 2024
Mary Politis

Call for Recipes: the Mixologist’s Favorite Cold Beer Accompaniment

The “guru” suggests that this treat is enjoyed to the fullest with a cadre of highly excitable friends, while watching highly competitive baseball, football, hockey, or basketball on the establishment’s 72-inch screen . . .

Volume 19, Issue 3, March 2024
Cary R. Brick

Call for Recipes: Sue's Fish Fry

Catch a batch of perch, nice size rock bass, and sunfish. Filet them.(Luckily, I had a friend who was very skilled at these two parts!) . . .

Volume 19, Issue 3, March 2024
Sue March

River Recipes Please + One!

For years, there’s been a framed tea towel hanging in my kitchen, entitled “Traditional 1000 Islands Shore Dinner,” as told by Les Cook, a local fishing guide. The tea towels were made by the late Kathy Shine . . .

Volume 18, Issue 12, December 2023
Elspeth Naismith