Winter Swings Sometimes it feels as though Old Man Winter has a temperature-oscillation App which he turns on before disappearing for a week or two.. Paul Hetzler
The Thousand Acre Challenge TIWLT has done a lot for this area, and is about to do more with the launch of their latest initiative: The Thousand Acre Challenge. Calder Schweitzer
That Beautiful Sound Transport yourself to the serenity of the River. Close your eyes. What do you hear? An eerie but beautiful sound. A Common Loon. Each year dozens of volunteers take part in the Annual Loon Count on the St. Lawrence River. Aliana Young
Deer Grandma and Grandpa... What is life like for those few lucky, possibly smarter, white-tailed deer which manage to avoid cars, coyotes, projectiles and parasites beyond the first few years of existence? Paul Hetzler
Halloween Storm of 2019: A Witches’ Brew First-Hand* To know that a storm is coming is to apprehend mystery and fate... By bedtime, it was blowing a gale. Raymond S. Pfeiffer
Treeconomics 101: Color-Coded Prosperity Trees whose leaves show color ahead of their same-species peers are doing so because they are barely breaking even. The solar-powered sugar factories we call trees are good savers, ... Paul Hetzler
Northern Harrier Magician of Grassland and Marsh Once known as Marsh Hawk, this species is a favorite raptor of mine. They are most often seen skimming low over open country flashing the white rump patch that helps identify them in all plumages. Sherri Leigh Smith
Regretting a Rut in the Water I have heard that the only difference between a rut and a grave is their dimensions. This may be overstating things a bit, but we definitely fell ... Donald Middleton
Flooded Trees...Most Things in Moderation What really harms trees is a shortage of oxygen in flooded soils. Severity of flood damage also depends on a tree’s health before the event... Paul Hetzler
Aid for What Ails - Yes, Sumacs The next time sumac’s bright red fall “flag” catches your eye, consider stopping to collect some berries to make a refreshing drink. Paul Hetzler
Starting to Face Climate Change I put up a petition using this picture of a flooded boathouse and in short order found that a lot of us supported something that would encourage action. Sherry L. B. Johnson
Depth of Field: The Story Behind the Image: “Autumn Afternoon” I knew immediately there was a stunning photograph to be had here, but there were challenges to be overcome. Chris Murray
Betty White She was the talk of Grenell Island—Murray Isle too. “Did you see the new set of ducklings? One of Lynn E. McElfresh