I was recently informed that the bulk carriers moving up and down the St. Lawrence Seaway are loaded with DOUGHNUTS.
A man was returning from town in his boat, accompanied by his two young daughters, when he spotted what looked like a white rag floating nearby.
Befriending one or two seagulls each spring has mixed benefits. We enjoy training them to come when called, and also enjoy their territorial protection of our area from other gulls. However. . .
I began life in Prescott's "Albert Whitney House," a now sadly derelict, long vacant, red brick town house on Prescott's Dibble Street.
So, open those china cupboard doors and rummage in your silver drawer and start to decorate your table . . .
We barely got home when I got the call to fly back to the east coast. I was being deployed, just as I was getting comfy in my retirement rocking chair. . .
Who is this community and from where do they come? There are those who live in the area year-round but a majority do not . . .
As touched upon in last month’s article, the desire to create a connection between the barn dwelling and the outside surrounding elements . . .
. . . spellcheck likes speedboats but corrects "slowboats" into two words. . . Slowboats deserve their own category. . .
Back when I was a baby arborist, I worked for an old-timer who told me that “The best time to prune trees is when the tools are sharp.”
. . . My builder fashioned the actual charging station out of wood scraps left over from the dining room ceiling, . . . this little shelf has six phone-charging cables fed through the wall and into the mechanical room behind.
Clayton's Guardino Elementary School teacher, Kelly Picunas, describes her summer working at TILT as the Community Outreach Assistant.
Writing about the Thousand Islands is a deeply personal endeavor for me. . . Growing up just a short drive away, I spent countless summers which continue inspiring my storytelling. . .
In converting this horse stable into our home, I wanted to leave the rail, trolley, and grapple intact as testimony to the original function of the stable, but I also wanted to give it a new purpose.
Can imagine my elation when my husband and I purchased a defunct 1920s horse stable on the St. Lawrence River back in 2019 and I found several plastic bins of old light fixtures hidden in a corner . . .
According to Fisher, “the boat is maybe 4 ft long and maybe like a 3 ft width, with lots of freeboard,” and according to his parents, it weighs a ton.
All about the Canadian Land Trust - such as learning about the various tax credits that could accrue to the owner, based on the type of gift - and more . . .
Well before the bus from New York City arrived, hosts and hostesses, many accompanied by small children of their own, milled around the grounds of Watertown High School . . .