TI Life is now online for October
It is a beautiful day in the Thousand Islands, too nice to be complaining about the weather, the low water, and certainly about the devastation in Florida for our Snowbird friends. However, the TI Life team joins in letting you know that we are thinking of you all. If good thoughts would work, you have them.
To take your minds off these tough situations, we have produced 13 River articles for you this month, and we hope that you’ll enjoy them all.
Volume 17, Issue 10, October 2022 is now online

This photograph is by Roberta D. Calhoun-Eagan
13 Articles for October:
From the Editor, October 2022 – by Susan W. Smith
Photographs for the end of summer. A tribute to Bea Schermerhorn and worries of low water and Florida . . .
Tribute to Sherri Leigh Smith – by Susan W. Smith
Sherri Leigh Smith literally spent a lifetime helping us to understand our flying friends and as importantly, to find ways to keep their habitats intact or to improve them . . .
The Barn Dance - by Manley L. Rusho
This story is about the barn on Grindstone Island and in particular, the dance that occurred there in October of 1941, when I was ten years old . . .

William Weldon photographed this view on his way to school this month.
The Giving Tree – by Paul Hetzler
. . .Although elms are still present in our forests, Dutch elm disease, which has the appropriate acronym “DED,” now kills elms before they can reach maturity . . .
Podcast Dedicated to Shipping – by Susan W. Smith
"Downward Bound will bring ship enthusiasts another step closer to the mesmerizing vessels so often seen along the St. Lawrence while also highlighting what the Seaway has to offer . .
Totem Poles and Island History – by Nattanya Hewitt
The Eaton family started the totem pole trend at the west end of Tar Island. In 1899, the New York City family bought this property, built a large summer home, and named the property Totem Lodge . . .

Steve Kreckman shares this one from Eel Bay
The Voracious One and Chordata, a story by Martha Grimes
Great Blue Heron who ruled the roost in the colony. Vorax Otiosumuno’s reputation stretched far and wide as the laziest feathered felon in the heronry . . .
"There is a River" by Heather Chitty – by Susan W. Smith
It only took two minutes to realize that this book needs to be introduced to the Thousand Islands community . . .
FIASCO was held on Wellesley Island – by Rick Casali
The regatta is known as FIASCO, which is the acronym for Famous International Annual Skiffing Competitive Occurrence . . .

Britton Bedford Jones captures the size of the cruise ship visiting Gananoque in October
WORLD ROWING TOUR 2022 – Come and Gone! – by Shelagh Baker
Thank you to all of the international rowers who came and took part in this tour, to the wonderful group of volunteers who were with the tour the whole way, and to the Thousand Islands for sharing their beauty . . .
Dry Stone Wallers! – by Dianne Wallen
I’m part of a different sort of migration — an annual influx of Dry Stone Wallers. Dry Stone Wallers are a somewhat peculiar subspecies of human, who still pile one rock upon another to build things without mortar . . .
The River Gal’s Galley – with tomatoes – by Nicole Hartshorn
Beefsteak, early girls, cherry, yup it’s prime picking when it comes to tomatoes from this River gal’s garden!
Sudoku Puzzles #122, #123, & #124 – by Dan LeKander
Can you believe how quickly summer left us at the River? Good thing we have Sudoku to keep our minds sharp through the off-season . . .
Enjoy, and remember my words of wisdom . . . there is a rock out there with your name on it so be careful!
Susan W. Smith, Editor, TI Life

Linda Crothers captured the new view from Wolfe Island with rocks galore.