TI Life in May now online
Saturday, May 7th brought devastation to Murray Isle, in the American Sector, as a fire destroyed a one-hundred-year-old cottage. Fire is a worry for everyone. Chimney fires are unpredictable, and even though it’s tempting to burn leaves in the spring or have a bonfire with Smores on a nice summer evening – it is not recommended! Our granite rocks are not smooth boulders, so a fire may be doused with water and seem extinguished, but it can travel underground in a granite crack, and reappear several feet away, causing damage once again. We wish the Murray Isle famly and their neighbours a speedy recovery – which unfortunately is easy for us to say, but harder for them in reality.
The May issue is full with 14 articles - please enjoy, question, or comment by writing to us.
Volume 17, Issue 5, May 2022 is now online

March 7, 2022, Murray Isle fire. Photo by Glenn Sandiford ©2022
From the Editor – by Susan W. Smith
River News: fire on Murray Isle. Don't feed the wildlife. Tributes to Heather Pelow (née Mabee), Barbara Reuckert, John "Skip" VanRennselaer Rawson Jr. Plus links to River community calendars.
500 Seconds – Glenn Sandiford
The sight of a century-old island cottage engulfed in flames is terribly sad. But watching it transform from first smoke to roaring blaze in just five hundred seconds shocked me . . .
Good News about a Bad Word – by Paul Hetzler
The word is Vaccine: Yikes! Let’s get right down to it: a vaccine against poison ivy will soon be available, but only if you really, really, really want it. Promise.
The Muskrat – by Manley L. Rusho
If there was one animal that everyone on the island admired, it was the muskrat . . .
Springtime Rite - Fox Kits – Glenn Sandiforo
My diary temporarily becomes a record of firsts — first trout lily, first muskrat, first loon. And for two consecutive years now, first sighting of fox kits . . .

"She was waiting for me this morning." Yes, a perfect way to see the River. [Photo by Richard Thomas ©2022]
My Cliffe Craft Saga - Chapter 4 – by Marc Benoit
On first sight, I was quick to grasp the full scope of this new project. It would not be a short and quick period of work involved. I was fully aware it was going to be a few seasons long . . .
A Canoe with Sails – by Steve Cormack
A few years ago, I came across an advertisement for the plans of a glued lapstrake sailing canoe. Not one of those after-market flimsy gadgets that you attach to your canoe . . .
Remembering Atlantic Convoy Sailor Fletcher Raymond Wade – by Brian Johnson
Speaking softly, Ray Wade points out that he made 56 trips in convoys from Canada to Britain, eventually working his way up to second mate status. Wade also remembers that first convoy, that first trip, heading out into the North Atlantic Ocean. With who knew what waiting for them . . .
Archaeology - Ross Holbrook
A 2019 organized boat trip inviting a formidable group of archeologists and specialists. The boat trip was an opportunity to demonstrate the region’s rich archaeological heritage . . .

"The water is about 9 feet deep and 44° warm" (Seeing his photo and I think many of us are temped to jump in too - in July!) [Photo by Doug Tulloch ©2022]
The National Environmental Policy Act – by Elspeth Naismith
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was signed into law on 1 January 1970. It’s one of the shortest laws in the US – a total of six pages. It’s short, sweet, and to the point . . .
Digital Artwrks.ca To Feature Ian Coristine’s Works – By Susan W. Smith
A couple of weeks ago, I learned that Lyne Roberge, Ian’s dear wife and best friend, was going to exhibit some of his best works through Artwrk.ca, which is a digital gallery . . .
Bays and Islands World Rowing Tour for 2022 – by Shelagh Baker
50 international, long distance, adventure rowers to row on the beautiful waters of Southeastern Ontario. From September 10 – 18, 2022 . . .
Artistry in Fabric: Quilt Show Returns to Clayton June 3 – 5, 2022 – by Kara Lynn Dunn
After missing its 2020 show, the North Country Quilting Guild presents quilts of all sizes and styles, plus 14 demonstrations, professional judging, and vendors . . .
Sudoku Puzzles #107, #108, & #109 – by Dan LeKander
We will continue with the 3 puzzles each month. That should be ample material for novices or seasoned veterans. I hope you enjoy this change.
Stay safe and enjoy the first days of Summer 2022!
Susan W. Smith, Editor - susansmith@thousandislandslife.com