TI Life for December is now on line
Happy Holidays from the Thousand Islands Life Team!
Although we had hoped that COVID restrictions would be over soon, we know that they’re not. We know this is not ideal, but if the restrictions help to keep us safe, that make them easier to follow.
Enjoy our December issue; it is always my favourite and once again our Island Photographers have not disappointed.

Our main header photograph for the December issue was taken by the late Ian Coristine, co-founder of TI Life with Paul Malo. The photograph's Christmas attire was illustrated by Kingston artist Marie-Anne Erki.
December ‘21 News From the Editor, by Susan W. Smith
First, normally the words "some wind," are shrugged off, but on the night of Saturday, December 11, 2021, our River rose over three feet. Second, we have some good news, Santa is coming to town.
2021 Photo Contest Winners by Chris Murray and Lyne Roberge
Thank you to everyone who submitted their photos for TI Life’s 10th Annual Photo Contest. It is always a pleasure revisiting the River through your beautiful imagery, especially as we head into the winter months.
2021 Photo Contest Honorable Mentions by Chris Murray and Lyne Roberge
It is worth remembering that photography contests are entirely subjective in nature. One judge's winning image is another's honorable mention, and vice versa.
Glennis Newton shares her River Christmas view.
A River Christmas Story, by Tom R. Robbins with illustrations by Sarah Coate
“How about I try to catch us a nice fish for dinner, Sparkle?” The old tabby cat stretched out on her shelf just above the warmly glowing potbellied stove and perked her head up at her owner’s voice. “A fresh bass would make for a fine Christmas Eve.”
Lips and Walls: Digging into Tree Decay, by Paul Hetzler
Did you know that trees have an early-warning system? Apparently, they can signal one another about what type of pest has arrived on the scene . . .
The Christmas Play, by Manley Rusho
Somehow, I ended up with the role of Bob Cratchit, the father of Tiny Tim, although I don’t remember how this happened . . . I was embarrassed and I tried to avoid my role but to no avail.
Books by Neville Johnston, by Susan W. Smith
Thank you Neville. Writing three novels in a lifetime is an achievement but in less than three years is an accomplishment, indeed.

James R. Miller, creator of 1000 Islands River Rats Now and Then Facebook page, shared this photograph on December 10, 2021 saying, "It is really pretty amazing to watch these big guys make the sharp turn by Point Vivian!"
The Wreck of the “Martha Ogden” by Richard Palmer
The Martha Ogden, enroute from Oswego to Sackets Harbor on November 12, 1832, was hit by a northwest gale and sprang a leak.
The Witch of Wellesley Island, Chapter 9: Uncertain Enemies, by Patrick Metcalf
Despite feeling a sense of dread at bedtime, she had slept remarkably well, and as a result she was a little slow to regain her senses. She and Pete had not intended to be overnight guests at the castle.
Sudoku Puzzles #96 & #97 by Dan LeKander
You will have time of the holiday to try these two Sudoku Puzzles. Good luck!
How do you see Back Issue of TI Life by Susan W. Smith
Directions for finding articles and authors for "Thousand Islands Life Magazine" from issues dating back to 2006.
Danielle Leigh shared her photograph of Clayton NY's high water on December 11, 2021.
So, 11 articles for Volume 16, Issue 12, December 2021. May you have a safe and Happy New Year - see you in 2022.
By Susan W. Smith, publisher/editor