May Issue of TI Life is now online!
It’s mid-May 2021 and the start of a brand new summer on the St. Lawrence River in the Thousand Islands. Yes, a Third Wave of COVID hit Canada at the end of April, so Ontario is still under "Stay-at-Home" orders. However, most citizens have had one shot of vaccine or will soon. News reports from the United States are encouraging; most people wanting the vaccine have had their two shots, and the CDC is on the verge of approving the Pfizer vaccine for children as young as 12 years old. As the posters say, "Together we will get through this."
May Issue of TI Life is now online
Here at TI Life, we’ve had a wonderful month of submissions: 11 articles, many with amazing photographs. Do let us know what you think by leaving comments.

James R. Miller, Moderator for Facebook 1000 Islands River Rats Now and Then has a million dollar view! Thanks for sharing James, we appreciate it.
May Issue of TI Life
TI Life’s News - All About Lynn and More – from the Editor.
A tribute to Lynn McElfresh; no real news about the Border. We say goodbye to Junie Augsbury and more. . .
There Aren’t Enough Mays In Any Lifetime – by Gerry Smith.
The month of May is a spectacularly intense and interesting time in the bird world. Early breeders, such as Great Horned Owl, Bald Eagle, Common Raven, and Canada Goose have rapidly growing young. Yes, it's Spring!
Sunken Rock Light – by Mary Alice Snetsinger.
Marking the largely submerged rock formation known as Bush Island, Sunken Rock is a little workhorse of a lighthouse built in 1847, and still in service today.
Memories from My Sketch Book – by Joel F. Charles.
I'm sure people wondered who this guy wandering around town, snapping shots of all kinds of things, might be.

Karen Millspaugh captured this bird in flight, and oh yes - a fabulous rainbow too! [Facebook 1000 Islands River Rats Now and Then]
Winter North, Winter South – by Doug Tulloch & Brian Hudon.
Leaving the River, no matter the season, is never easy for me . . . Then my pal, Brian Hudon, gave me the best of both worlds.
Opening, A Photo Essay – by Sarah Ellen Smith.
This opening is the best opening ever. The end of 2020, a new year, vaccines, and a chance to see family and friends closer than at a distance.
Sense of Place – by Martha Stroud.
Artists participating in the A Sense of Place Art Show in Kingston, ON, describe what painting is like in the time of the pandemic.
The Friends of Springfield House Complex Need Your Help! – by Brian R. Phillips and Glennda Olivier.
The Springfield House Complex of historic buildings, in the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands, are in danger of being declared surplus and possibly sold.
Have you seen your 2021 Great Blue Heron yet? Thanks to Steve Money / MoneyShotz Photography for sharing these with TI Life.
Gananoque Love – by Susan W. Smith.
Alan Code says, "I wanted to take all the positive things about Gananoque and share them . . ."
Sudoku Puzzles #81 & #82 – by Dan LeKander.
More Sudoku fun is in store for you this May. Please enjoy!
The Witch of Wellesley Island, Chapter 6: No Turning Back – by Patrick Metcalf.
"We should go back in," said Pete, staring through the windshield toward the side entrance of the diner. . . "What would that accomplish?" asked Sarah.
FAQs for TI Life
How often do we publish? TI Life is posted on the 15th of the month, all year round.
How do I subscribe? At the end of each article is the link to Notification. Give us your email and you are subscribed. You may unsubscribe anytime you wish.
Events and Properties? We will be happy to list your summer events and real estate properties in the hopes of finding good land stewards for the next generation of islanders.
How much does it cost? TI Life is free 24/7 on line. We do not accept advertising and we are all volunteers. However there are support buttons for both US/CA; donations assists us with software updates and computer magic.
Do you have an idea? It is an excellent way for those interested in the Thousand Islands to share information, stories and lore.
By Susan W. Smith, Editor,
Special thanks to the TI Life team, proofreaders, Rick Taylor, Dane Zabriskie, Georgia Barker, and the real editor, Elspeth Naismith. They all make every issue great! Each month we pay tribute to Bill Stallan, our "comma policeman", who has been in the hospital for several months. We do so again this month, and wish him continued progress!