The Salmon River, Pulaski, NY, by Martin Zonnenberg
This time I am not sending "TI Life" a picture of beautiful Loons but something completely different although there is a River involved!
Recently I spent an afternoon on the banks of the Salmon River in Pulaski, NY.

The Salmon river is a very beautiful river, wildly meandering through steep cliffs, rock ledgers and the town of Pulaski, which is world renown for its beautiful Salmon River and the Annual fly fishing derby.
I was lucky that I had unknowingly chosen the right time to visit, exactly during the big annual Fall ‘Fly Fishing Derby’ and... There was lots of sunshine in between an overcast day.

Just six miles upriver from Pulaski is a great Salmon Fish Hatchery with an enormous fish ladder. Visitors can see the whole operation in a Park like setting!!! This is really a great place to watch the salmon climb the five ladders to reach their spawning grounds.
By Martin Zonnenberg, Grindstone Island