The small village across the river from Brockville is a companion communitiy, the other gate post at the eastern extermity of the Thousand Islands. The first explorers coming up the St. Lawrence encountered the Three Sisters Islands off shore as the first of what they discovered to be les Mille Iles, as they called them, the Thousand Islands.
Like Brockville, Morristown was known for a famed patent medicine, "Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills." In fact, the two communities were linked in the profitable medication industry. Today Morristown provides mooring for recreational boaters and close by for a visit to Singer Castle on Dark Island.
The Three Sisters Islands would have carried a bridge to connect Morristown and Brockville. The foundations appear in the photograph. Traffic would have landed on the lawns of Fulford Place, however, and Senator Fulford managed to block completion of the project. Had it been completed, the history of the region would have been quite different.