Grenadier Island, Ontario
A large island once populated mostly by farmers, Grenadier now has a private golfcourse and four components of the St. Lawrence Islands National Park, as well as vestiges of the farms together with shoreline summer homes.
The Thousands Islands Water Trail Guide Book evokes the qualities of Grenadier:
"If the weather is fair, a circumnavigation of Grenadier Island is a splendid full-day paddle that brings you past extensive marshlands alive with noisy red-wing blackbirds, blue herons stalking prey, and perhaps an osprey circling overhead. Several landing points along the shores of Grenadier Island allow you to rest or stretch your legs on the trail network that connects human life on the island. National park facilities at the distant eastern and western tips of the island, and in the central northern and southern bays offer a full array of amenities. Awaiting you are quiet campsites, shaded picnic spots beside a sandy beach, and the historic picnic pavilion at the western head of the island where thesunsets are so peaceful!"
A regional landmark, Sister Island Lighthouse, off the southeast end of Grenadier Island, is now private property but attracts photogrpahers and lighthouse buffs.
Writer, Kim Lunman, wrote an article for the December 2008 Thousand Islands LIfe Magazine: The Unofficial Mayor of Grenadier.