The Opinionated Middle Ground, by John Scott Cowan
From Professor Emeritus Raymond Pfieffer's book review....
"Perhaps the most important public question of our time is how to resolve the opposing persuasions so famously dividing our Western societies. To this end, John Cowan, a lifelong navigator of the Thousand Islands, has a significant contribution to make in this articulate book of his well-informed essays and reflections. His goal throughout is to promote a more accurate grasp of a myriad of broad concerns to those of us striving to understand and engage in the public discussions of our day.
Throughout these illuminating discussions, Cowan writes in a straight-forward manner, avoiding euphemisms and obfuscation, drawing distinctions, and explaining in detail the facts that one must know to be able to seek middle ground in some of the major issues of the complex, confusing world that is ours, today."
About the Author: Dr. John Cowan is a physiologist, professor, and university administrator who also has worked extensively in labour relations and written widely on society, public policy, defense and international tensions. VP at University of Ottawa, and later at Queen's University, he was Principal at Royal Military College from 1999-2008. He currently resides in Kingston, Ontario.
See Book Review: "From Bad to Verse . . .plus . . . Something in the Air," by John Scott Cowan, October 2021
About the Book:
ISBN: 978-1-990823-53-4, 324 pages
Published Date: Release Date: November 21, 2023 (U.S. & Canada) | January 4, 2024 (U.K. & Australia)
Available at Sutherland House Press, Toronto, ON. or