River Reminiscing: An Anthology of Thousand Islands Stories, by Heather D. Chitty
River Reminiscing was published in the summer of 2011. It is a collection of stories about Gananoque and the St. Lawrence River.

Several local people allowed their writings to be included, including, Robert Russell, Susan Weston Smith, Dr. E. Godfrey Bird, Peter McCarney and Charlie Donavan.
All proceed from the sale have gone to the Arthur Child Centre in honour of Heather's father the late, William (Bill) Chitty. There were only 200 copies printed and at last count (July 2012) there are only 15 left. They are on sale at the Arthur Child Heritage Museum, Gananoque, ON

To learn more about the publication or to order a copy please write to riverreminiscing@gmail.com, or visit the Arthur Child Heritage Museum.